Tea Party.net

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This and That

     Haven't done a lot of posting lately - doesn't seem like a lot to be real hopeful about.   On the other hand, doesn't seem a lot to be real disparaging about, but maybe I've had my head stuck in the sand, too.
     Just read a blog from a Bob Russell on Patriot Action Network that kind of made me sit up and think.  His comment or quote that political correctness has become the new American idol really hit the nail on the head.  Like he said, we are so afraid of hurting another person's feelings that we don't stand up for what we believe, and that's wrong.  We each have a right to our own beliefs and feelings - we don't have to agree with others all the time; maybe not even very often, but we each have that right, as well as  the duty to respect others' rights.  And it's time we start speaking up for our Christian values.  If we don't, we're going to lose the right to speak about them at all!
     Along that same vein, this coming sunday is Pulpit Freedom Sunday.  Were you aware that by federal law, altho there are some questions about its validity, ministers are not supposed to speak about the candidates and their qualities, or lack thereof, as far as whether they are a suitable candidate?  And that's without naming any names!  That certainly was not what our forefathers had in mind.  In fact, the "Black Robe Brigade", as the English called them, were given a great deal of credit by the English for our declaring our independence.  George Whitfield, who had been trained as a young man in England to be an actor, but who later became a minister and came to America, was very influential in persuading many to join the fight for freedom!  This coming Sunday, each and every minister in America has a chance to become a part of this Black Robe Brigade, in a sense, by not hesitating to speak out from the pulpit as to what characteristics we, as Christians, should look for in the candidates.  Encourage your minister to feel free to speak as the Alliance Defense Fund has already publicly stated that they would provide legal assistance and defense for any minister charged with any wrongdoing in connection with this.  For more information on the Black Robe Brigade, go to www.wallbuilders.com for David Barton's wealth of information.
     Tonight, yet again I received the link to a cartoon that was put together in 1948 that has as much relevance today as it did then - if not more!  The link is 1948 Cartoon - and I surely hope you can open it up, especially if you haven't seen it before.  It is just as true, if not more so, today as it was back then and it's actually scary that it is so relevant!
     Last night was our regular meeting of our Western Slope Constitutional Patriots and one of the things mentioned was HR822, the National Reciprocity Act - a bill that would supposedly make a concealed carry permit in one state legit in every state.  However, it opens the door for more federal regulations - in fact, a person would have to "show a need" for a ccp, there would be more frequent renewals required, and higher fees, among other things.  Surprisingly - or maybe not - the NRA is for it, but the National Association of Gun Owners very much feels like it is a "Trojan Horse" bill.  As the Mesquite (Nevada) Press put it, the camel's toe or nose.  While this Congress might not use the bill to further control our 2nd Amendment rights, who is to say that a future Congress might find a way to do so, and before you know it, our right to bear arms would be gone!  That's what the anti-gun crowd wants anyhow, so let's certainly not hand it to them.  Unfortunately, Scott Tipton has already indicated he is in favor of it, so we need to blast him, along with Bennet, Udall, and the other Colorado representatives, to withdraw their support.  It is my understanding that Cory Gardner does not support the bill, but you might check on that.
      We are really lucky to have the Heritage Foundation representative for this 5-state area, Michael Jude, living in Paonia and he has agreed to lead us in a discussion of Matthew Spalding's fantastic book, We Still Hold These Truths.  When Liz, Kathy and I went to the Tea Party Patriots' Policy Summit last February, I bought the book, along with the CD and the Leader's Guide, as I would still like to teach the Constitution and about that era in our history.  Well, the Heritage Foundation was giving away a special boxed set of Dr. Spalding's book, along with their guide to the Constitution - which I also bought - a Founders' Almanac, I believe it's called, and a couple of other books.  Lo and behold, I was the lucky winner, or one of them, so I doubled up on the guide to the Constitution and Dr. Spalding's book, altho I did sell it to Liz.  If anyone would be interested in the very comprehensive guide, please let me know because I can't really read both of them at the same time - would be rather redundant, you know!  Anyhow, this ought to be a very interesting 11-week course, so if you're interested, let us know so we can steer you to the correct address to pick up the book.  The course will start mid-October, so don't wait!  The book, itself, is fascinating and easy reading, so I highly recommend it!
     Also received notice from Ray Scott today of a Western Colorado Energy Summit, to be held in Grand Junction at the college on October 21.   State House Speaker McNulty and Representative Jerry Sonnenberger will be attending and there will be discussions regarding all of the energy resources in our area and ways to develop a sound, aggressive energy policy.  I will be attending, possibly Liz and anyone else who is interested.  The energy industry on this side of the state has really taken a beating and we need to show all the support we can.
     In connection with that, the BLM is inviting written comments regarding Oxbow Mining's proposed core drilling on Oak Mesa in hopes of opening a new mine there.  There was an article in today's Delta County Independent regarding it.  The comment period is open until October 24, and you can send comments to the BLM c/oDesty Dyer, BLM, 2465 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO, 81401; emailed to desty_dyer@blm.gov ; or faxed to 970-240-5367.  With the EPA threatening to close 20% of the coal-fired electrical plants across the nation, it is time for us to fight back, not only writing the BLM about this, but contacting our congressment to rein in the EPA.  As far as Oxbow's proposed mine, it would be in Delta County, not Gunnison, so would bring tax revenues into this county!  Something we sorely need.
     We don't want to forget the school board election coming up before long.  The WSCP is endorsing three conservative patriots, Kathy Svenson here in Delta, Mike Mason in Cedaredge and Dale Evans in Paonia.  October 6 with be a "Meet the Candidates" meeting at Garnet Mesa School at 6:30 p.m.  Let's show Kathy, Mike and Dale our support!
     I'm sure there's several things I have forgotten, but it's getting late and the pillow is singing its siren song!  Good night!
                                                                              The Patriot Granny

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