Well, sort of. After taking a break last week, have several thoughts about things.
One of the fall-outs of the 9/11 service was that in the video we had planned to show, George W. Bush was shown as a hero and some have a problem with that. I will be the first to admit that he made many mistakes in his presidency and the fact that he and his father belong to the Bilderberg group is very upsetting. However, at that point in time - immediately following 9/11 - he provided leadership that we probably would not have gotten from anyone else. Like someone said, can you imagine how Al Gore or John Kerry would have reacted? I don't even want to go there! I will say that Bush's willingness, now that he is out of office, to greet servicemen and women returning from Iran, Pakistan, etc., without making sure the press are there; his visit to survivors of the Ft. Hood massacre; and other of his altruistic efforts should be appreciated and not judged. We don't know what is in his heart and his reaching out is appreciated by those on the receiving end.
Late last week, I sent out a copy of an e-mail I had received about a Muslim shop being shut down on 9/11because of the death of a martyr. I will not got to snopes to check things out because they have already been proven to not be entirely truthful about things. Anyhow, it turns out that this was actually from a year ago and that the martyr had died 600 years ago or something like that. The upturn of it was that I was accused of spreading an untruth. My thoughts are that whether we like it or not, the Muslim religion and Shari'a law are creeping across our land and it is very scary. It is something we have to stand up to or, as one of their imams has said, the Islamic flag will fly over America. Our Constitution, which we celebrated this past Saturday in particular, is the law of the land, not Shari'a, but more and more, Shari'a law is being used by American courts. There are many good, conservative Muslims living in this country, I'm sure, who do not believe that Shari'a law should implemented, such as the group who are backing a Michigan bill which would ban all foreign law in Michigan courts. However, these Muslims are not usually vocal because they have been intimidated by the likes of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other more radical Islamic groups. In this country, the Islamic community have all the freedoms guaranteed to all of us, but too many of them would deny us our rights. Consider the case of the police captain in Oklahoma who refused to attend an Islamic function on his own time and was suspended from his job. Or even particularly the female members of their own families. A couple of years ago, I was in Sam's Club in Grand Junction when I saw two women in burkas. Their eyes were not covered, but that was the only part of them that wasn't. I wanted to go up to them, snatch the veils from their faces and tell them that this is America and they don't have to live that way. I recently read, too, where, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the women are suffering from what is called "soft" rickets because they don't get enough sunlight due to the burkas.
Too many times, those in power have acquiesced, just to be politically correct, to the detriment of our own rights under the Constitution. Another big point of contention is the TSA regulations for flying. While 96-year-old grandmothers and small children have to be patted down, Muslims can walk right thought without being screened, patted down, or any type of check, "because it is against their religion". Excuse me, but being touched in private parts by someone other than my husband is against my religion, also! That doesn't stop the TSA, tho. Just let something the least bit suggestive of profiling or prejudicial behavior against a Muslim and the screams and threats of CAIR are heard all over the land! Israel profiles and it doesn't have problems with airplane bombers or bomb threats. After all, who flew the planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, the Pennsylvania field? It wasn't white, American people, most assuredly not 96-year-old grannies or small children - they were all Muslims, most of whom were in the country illegally, having overstayed their visas, or snuck into the country.
Oh, how many of you have heard or read that the Congressional Black Caucus has said that if there were a white president in the White House, they would be marching on the WH because of the unemployment numbers in the black community. Now, if that isn't racism, I don't know what is! They need to be chewing on him, just as much as on any white president - it isn't his color that is so destructive to white or black, it's his policy! Who was it who said, "It's the economy, stupid!" Amen to that!. We all have to work together, regardless of color, to get rid of the current policies that are so destructive to jobs in the private sector. After all, if there isn't a private sector paying taxes, there won't be enough money in the coffers to pay for the government jobs!
I hope you have read at least part, if not all, of our Constitution, since we are celebrating it this week. I must confess I have not read all of it, but I am studying it, little by little. Between The 5000 Year Leap, by W. Cleon Skousen, and We Still Hold These Truths, by Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation, I'm learning so much of the background. It is fascinating to learn what our founding fathers went through and the thoughts and beliefs that were the basis for the Constitution. It is an incredible document and one we all need to study, learn and revere. We were given a gift by God, through men, and the freedoms granted by it are really something else. A blessing indeed. I hope you learn to love it and appreciate it.
The Patriot Granny
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