I have blogged off and on on my stamping site, but decided I would start keeping track of what is happening in our lives as they hang in balance as far as this country's future.
When Roy and I joined the Western Slope Constitutional Patriots, I did it more to please him that to try to find out what was happening with our country. Boy, did I get my eyes opened! To realize what the progressives have and are doing to our country is appalling and we have to stop it. In participating in the caucuses with conservative legislators, I've had an education I never thought existed, let alone in our state. From dealing with a House Majority Leader who was bound determined to push through a health care compact against the wishes of her constituents and the other House Republicans in the state, to the backstabbing even within the grassroots groups, it only proves that (1) we are human and (2) we are drifting further and further away from God and his laws. We have to come back to God and we have to work together if we are to bring this state together for a future we want, not one force-fed to us as is happening now.
One bright spot is Vacation Liberty School, which has successfully been conducted twice in this county and we're hoping to do it again, as well as a follow-up. These children are hungry to know what this country was really like, not the trash they are being told about climate change, the "heroism" of murderers like Fidel Castro and Che Guevera. The tentacles of socialism and communism have gotten a firm grasp and it is up to us to cut those tentacles and shrink the influence of communism. The movie, Agenda: The Grinding Down of America is a must-see for everyone, as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully, we can show at least parts of it to at least high school children in the months to come. Of course, it will have to be done outside of school since our dear school board has been kowtowing to the superintendent for far too long and denying our children the knowledge and information they should be receiving.
As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I find it hard to believe how little affect it has really had on our patriotism. And the farther a person is from New York City, the less the affect. It is appalling that places like Grand Junction decides to hold what is basically a big beer bash on this weekend, or that there would be so little attention paid to the fact it is the tenth anniversary. One lady at church yesterday didn't even realize that was why she has been bombarded by news about 9/11! This event impacted our lives in ways many of us don't even realize. There are the obvious ones, like Department of Homeland Security and all of it's onerous and invasive regulations, like the pat-downs and screening - but heaven forbid they should, in the least little bit, try profiling. Israel hasn't had problems and they profile all the time.
This first blog is a mish-mash of thoughts - hopefully, they will become better organized as time goes on.
Hope you are all enjoying a day off from work - if you are among the fortunate to have a job. If you aren't, prayers that if you are looking, you will soon find a job.
The Patriot Granny
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