Tea Party.net

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's the New Year!

     I made a resolution - luckily, only to myself - that I was going to blog at least once a day on one or the other of my blogs.  Guess what - yep, this is the first post of the new year on either blog!  Oh, well, the thought has been there.
     And as several bloggers and commentators have said, we basically have to say Rest In Peace to our freedoms and liberties as set forth in the Bill of Rights, thanks to the National Defense Authorization Act that the idiot-in-chief signed into law on New Year's Eve Day.  One of the most unbelievable things about it is that John McCain - the one person in the entire Congress who should hold our freedoms and liberties far more dear than the rest of us - was one of the authors.  He and Carl Levin from Ohio.  I can't fathom what persuaded McCain to agree to co-author this bill.  Has he lost his mind, his memory, what?  Even worse, altho Obummer said he didn't agree with parts of the bill and added a "signing statement" - for which he has heavily castigated George Bush - the language he supposedly doesn't agree with is language that he, himself, insisted be put in the bill.  I hope people are waking up to what is in this bill and what it is doing to our freedom.  The House signed on to it last summer when it was buried in the House military appropriations bill and I have to wonder how many of the representatives even knew it was in the bill.  Remember dear Nancy - "We have to pass it to know what is in it!"?
     And then there's the taxpayer tax cut extension bill - such a loverly little item.  The Senate had said that they wanted an extension for an entire year, so the House gladly agreed.  So what was Sir Harry's problem that they couldn't go ahead and vote on it and approve it before they took off for the Christmas holiday?  Speaking of which, the only people in this country that get such an extended vacation are the members of Congress and employees who have worked for a company for years and years and built up that kind of vacation time, but first time out of the chute, Congressmen sure do!  Must be nice.  I'm sure that most of those in Congress have never had to figure payroll taxes and don't have a clue what kind of a mess they are creating.  I read or heard someone say just today that we were supposed to have a citizens' legislature, not a professional legislature, and that is so true!  Oh, and we can't forget the nice little $4 million  vacation the president and his family took over Christmas - while a lot of us were even wondering if we were going to be able to have Christmas.  But, we can't miss those golf games, now can we - even better if our partner has been collared in a prostitution sting, to boot!
     Of course, Obummer thinks Congress is in recession - that's why he has made not one, but four recess appointments, regardless of how unconstitutional they may be.  For someone who supposedly taught the Constitution for ten year, Obummer is dumber than a box of rocks - or absolutely refuses to abide by the Constitution, which I think is the real truth.  He thinks he's impervious to obeying the Constitution and that whatever "Lola wants, Lola gets"!  I seriously have to wonder if we will make it to elections next fall, or if he will declare martial law.  
     On a bit more personal note - I have stayed good friends with my former daughter-in-law, who has been living near Paducah, KY with her fiance, his son, and her son and his fiance and her two children.  Last Sat. p.m., the little 3-year-old was playing with matches or a lighter and started a fire that burned my (former) step-grandson over 85% of his body and killed his fiance.  James was life-flighted to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville where he was put into a coma.  At his arrival, he was only given a 4% chance of survival, but thanks to God and the blanket of prayers from all over the country that has covered him , he is improving day-by-day.  The doctors at Nashville said they had never seen lungs burned as severely as his.  He is still in the coma, but they have replaced his original ventilator with a "stepped-down" one like they use in the operating room.  His odds are still pretty iffy, but he's been through two surgeries already and will face two more this coming week before they will begin to bring him out of the coma next weekend.  To all of you that I contacted and asked for prayers, my deepest gratitude. 
     And tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life.  Two or three times this past year, I have applied for a secretarial job, two of them in the legal system at the courthouse and one as a "desk clerk" with the Forest Service, but apparently, no one wants a fat old broad, so this fat old broad is going back to school.  I had acrylic coatings put on my nails while I worked in the law office back in Indiana, and since I have been out here, I also get a pedicure every three weeks as I have ingrown toenails on both sides of both big toes.  I also have peripheral neuopathy in both feet, thanks to bunionectomies, so my feet are a source of discomfort most of the time and the pedicure helps relieve part of that.  Anyhow, to make a long story short, I have decided to go back to school to become a nail technician.  Knowing how important taking care of your feet is, particularly to older people, plus the opportunity to play and be creative, it's gonna be fun!  So, since the rooster will crow about 5:30, I'd best get myself to bed so I can wake up!
     Best wishes for the new year to all of you, may God bless, and prayers for our country!
                                                                                           The Patriot Granny


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