Tea Party.net

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What can I say?

     Word came down this afternoon that the reapportionment commission met to rehash and redo the state house and senate maps because the previously submitted maps were unacceptable to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court had told the commission that because they had split several counties and cities, even though the constitutional criteria stresses that such splits are to be held at a minimum, they needed to redo the maps.  So, what did they do?  The Dems waited until 10 pm Sun. to submit completely new maps that are so obviously and vindictively gerrymandered, it's unbelievable, and that should have been submitted by Wednesday.  Then - with the help of  the "unaffiliated" chair, Mario Carrera, ramrodded these maps through, 6-5, on a party-line vote..  The chair, who is supposed to be "unaffiliated" has given approximately $9,000 to the Dems this past year - really unaffiliated, isn't he?  The constitutional criteria of communities of interest was totally ignored, especially for Delta County.  It had been split since the last census between Districts 54, represented by Ray Scott, and 58, represented - more or less - by Don Coram.  It didn't make a bit of difference that Paonia and the east end of Delta County have absolutely nothing in common with Aspen - there is no community of interest.  The new district that encompasses the eastern part of the county also takes in half of Gunnison County, all of Pitkin County (Aspen), Lake County and goes clear up to just a little ways south of Boulder!   It was as if the fact that McClure Pass is a physical, economic, demographic and psychological barrier between eastern Delta County and Pitkin and Gunnison Counties didn't even register!  I'd like to see Carrera and some of the Dems try coming over McClure in a snowstorm, just to bond the two communities together!  I can tell them how much fun it is to slip and slide around!  I hope the court rejects the map straight out and insists on seeing a Republican map, since the straight-line party vote also voted not to allow a minority report to go to the court.  I think the court can overrule them on this and I sure hope they do.  I'd even travel to Denver to testify again if I thought it would do any good!  The final decision by the court is to be made December 6, so guess we'll see what happens!
     One note of good news - Barney Frank is retiring from the House of Representatives.  Actually, he's just not going to try for a 17th term.  He's going to be sooooooo sorely missed - my fat foot!  He said he was fairly certain he could win another term, but that it would be harder than in the past as his district had been gerrymandered against him.  Poor baby.  How's it feel to have the playing field leveled, Mr. Frank?  He also made the comment that so much of what he had worked for would be dismantled by a Republican Congress in the future.  We can only hope!  He has done so much to destroy this economy that turning it around may be - and likely will be - extremely difficult to do. 
     Watching Glenn Beck this afternoon was a little scarey.  Mr. Beck is very frightened as to what is coming down the pike, and I have to agree with his assessment, at least to a degree!  Like he said, the violence that took place last Friday, the so-called "Black Friday", over material things, like electronics and toys - what is going to happen when people want and need food and the shelves are bare, or nearly so?  One of Mr. Beck's recommendations - besides food storage - is to be in a community of like people, church, town, etc.  We are fortunate that here in Delta and in the county, we are a fairly close-knit community, especially among the conservatives.  The libs in Paonia are a different group altogether, but most of the county are conservative, many are natives, and have been raised with a code that you help your neighbor.  After living back east for more than 20 years, I'm glad to be back out here in western Colorado.  It's not the dog-eat-dog world that it is back east.
     One last note - saw a post on Facebook tonight that some guy from Denver who was on the lam in connection with a guy's death is suing the Topeka family he had held hostage while running from the cops!  He said they had agreed to hide him in return for money - well, duh, if you were in fear for your life cuz some idiot had invaded your home while running from the cops, you'd probably agree to some idiotic thing like that, too!  The man certainly played in the short end of the gene pool, didn't he?  If the judge lets the lawsuit move forward, he ought to pay for all expenses and any sums awarded!
     Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving - we are blessed, as of right now, to be living in such a wonderful country.  Here's hoping and praying that we are strong enough to take it back and make it back into the shining city on the hill that it once was!
                                                                                                  The Patriot Granny

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shariah law and the US

     I've been thinking a lot about how Shariah law is slowly creeping into American culture and it is something that troubles me greatly.  A couple of years ago, you didn't hear much about it, certainly not in this part of the world.  However, when I saw a couple of (obviously) Muslim women in Sam's, dressed in full burkas with only their eyes uncovered, about that time, I wanted to go up to them, even then, rip off at least their veils and tell them, "This is America, you don't have to live this way."  The more I hear about Shariah law and its brutal treatment of women, I almost wish I had - except they would have had to pay for my behavior.
     Last Saturday evening, Roy and I had the privilege of hearing Nonie Darwish, a woman born in Cairo and raised in Gaza, whose father was killed in a jihad.  She talked about having been raised with the teaching that killing a Jew was the ultimate prize, but she has since converted to Christianity and talked about how Mohammed's God is a god of war and death, but the God of Christianity is a god of love and peace.  It was interesting to hear how Mohammed turned on the Jews after they took him in and gave him protection, but wouldn't convert to Islam, so now they are the sworn enemies of the Muslims.  He recognized that everything he was doing to the Jews and all of the sinful thing he did - pedophilia, the hatred of the Jews, etc., was wrong, so these things immediately were included as things that Allah said the Muslims should do!  Because she speaks out across the country - she was just recently on Glenn Beck - Ms. Darwish has a fatwa against her - literally, a death threat.  
     Here in the United States, the Muslims are trying their best to institute Shariah law.  There are currently 22 cases, I believe it is, where the courts have given deference to Shariah law, altho at least one has been overruled by the appellate court.  This was the case where the man had raped and abused his wife repeatedly, she had asked for a restraining order (if my memory serves me right), but the judge refused, saying the man was doing nothing wrong within the context of Sharia law.  Tennessee has become a lightening rod for some of these cases as there is a large mosque and a Muslim school in, I think, Memphis.  This afternoon, Glenn Beck had a lady on,  a Baroness Caroline Cox, from the UK who has been fighting for women's rights all over the world.  She has been in the Sudan, in Asia, Russia - I don't remember where all - to fight for these rights - as well as human rights as a whole.  She was talking about the mosque in Tennessee and said that she felt one reason Tennessee has been targeted by the Muslims is because it sits in the middle of the Bible Belt.  This would follow the Muslims' practice of whenever a country or city has been conquered, a mosque has been built on top of the largest church in the area.  Many say that the reason the mosque at Ground Zero is being pushed is because that was the financial center of the US and since Shariah law is also the financial law for the Muslims, it makes sense.
     Ms. Cox currently has a bill before the English Parliament which will right a lot of the evils of Shariah law in England, which has a large Muslim population.  She freely admitted she could be killed for what she is doing, but she is willing to die for it because she believes in its importance.  The upshot of Ms. Cox's visit with Glenn was that we must stand up and fight against Shariah law now, or our grandchildren are going to have a much harder fight.  This is not to say all Muslims are bad.  There are peaceful Muslims who came to the US to get away from Shariah law.  And they are welcome to come, but they should assimilate into our law.  I wrote a couple, three weeks ago about how the state of Michigan, I believe it was, recently passed a law that no foreign law could be applied in that state, which would preclude Shariah law from being used.  Several other states are contemplating it, Oklahoma has passed it, but there, a liberal judge, thinking she had the right to legislate from the bench, blocked it from becoming law.  We must fight against this and if it means recalling or impeaching judges, so be it.  Our very way of life is very much in danger from this aspect, also.
        Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We need to celebrate and hold these traditions dear while we still can. 

                                                                                                The Patriot Granny

Saturday, November 5, 2011

This and That

     Didn't realize it has been nearly a month since I last posted.  "Time flies when you're having fun" - or so the saying goes.  What with canning and life in general, it can get away from you quickly.
     First off - a big congratulations to Ms. Kathy (Svenson) who won a seat on the school board.  Hopefully, now we can begin to have some imput and affect on what our children are learning!  Best of luck to you, Kathy!
     Listened to Sean Hannity yesterday while Michele Bachmann was on and was very happy to hear her mention Agenda 21 and what the creeps behind it are trying to do to the United States.  She is adamantly opposed and said she will fight it tooth and toenail.  In addition, Sean asked her to explain just what it was, which, I hope, educated a few people about it.  I recently talked with a manager of one of the coal mines in the east end of the valley and he had never heard of it.  When I explained a little about it, he said he would do whatever he could to set up a meeting with other managers and mine officials to watch a presentation put on by one of our group.
     For those of you not familiar with it, Agenda 21 was originally written up by the vice-president of the World Socialist Party - define that as communist - to ultimately set up a one-world government.  George H. W. Bush (Sr.), signed on to it in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, bringing it into the US, but since it was not a treaty, Congress did not have to ratify it.  The next year, Bill Clinton signed an executive order for the President's Council on Sustainable Development further putting it into place.  Since then, under the guise of environmentalism, it has been spreading across the US.  Those pushing it set a goal of 2021 to have it fully implemented, hence the name of Agenda 21, and one world government in place.  The scary part is, they have succeeded in about 60% implementation in the US.  That's why the BLM and the Forest Service are pushing for roadless areas and wilderness areas.  If you Google Agenda 21, there is a map and it will show that except for a few small places, everything west of the Mississippi is virtually uninhabited.  There will be no mining, no farming, no personal property rights.  We will live in "stack 'em and pack 'ems" - high rise apartments, public transportation (no private cars) - much of what you saw in old Soviet Russia.  This is something we all need to be much more educated on, so study, read about it - there is a book called Behind The Green Mask, written by a liberal Democrat in California, Rosa Koire, who does eminent domain valuation for the state of California.  While doing this, she became aware of Agenda 21 and what is being done and it scared her to the point she has done extensive research and has done a video that lasts about 1½ hours, plus this book.  Here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEHWsdimVO4&feature=player_embedded. When you go to that link, you will also find numerous other Youtube films on this, including a three-part interview of Ms. Koire.  If you also Google Tom DeWeese, you will find out a lot more information as he was a participant in the '92 Rio meeting.  Check it out, get educated and help us fight it!
     Another quick note - a website called Godfather Politics, has a couple of articles about the Tea Parties and Ayn Rand.  Jim Wallis, Obummer's "spiritual advisor" has said that the Tea Party looks up to Ms. Rand's philosophy and follows it religiously.  Sorry, Rev. Wallis, tain't so!  I did think these articles were interesting considering we're going to be watching the first third of Atlas Shrugged this next week.  Check out the website and see what you think!
     That's it for this time - will try to keep at this a lot more often, especially with things heating up as far as elections are concerned.  We will begin vetting candidates on all levels, so join us at our meetings in Delta on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Deitch Haus, or in Paonia on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the Ullreys at 7:00 p.m.   We will also soon begin a study of the book, We Still Hold These Truths, by Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation.  We are fortunate that the Colorado area representative, Michael Jude, lives in Paonia and he will be leading this study.  We will do it by conference call and if you are interested, please go to our website at www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-Constitutional-Patriots/, and contact either Liz Matz or me, as we will be able to get up to 15 books free from the Foundation and we still have some spots open!  Please feel free to contact either Liz or me at the website if you have any other questions or comments.
     God bless America and we all need to pray for Israel!
                                                                                                       The Granny Patriot

Monday, October 10, 2011

School Board Elections

     Thursday night was the school board candidates' forum and it proved to be fairly interesting.  The Western Slope Constitutional Patriots have, of course, endorsed Kathy Svenson, Mike Mason and Dave Evans.  Kathy has two opponents, as does Dave, but Mike only has one.  It was unfortunate that Shelly Clement, one of Dave's opponents, was unable to be there.  They were all articulate and well-informed, so we're going to have to really go all out to support our candidates.  Of course, the big issue we as a group have with the school board and the current administration is in the history that is being taught - or lack thereof - particularly of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights and that era in our history.  Also, the fact that an entire chapter is dedicated to the UN and "sustained development", the by-word for Agenda 21, doesn't make us all that happy, either.  It is unfortunate that Mike McMillian, our superintendent, refuses to recognize the problems - obviously progressive - and won't try to work with us, so......change the school board.  After all, they are his boss, and we are theirs!
     Are you watching this group of immature nutcases on Wall Street?  They don't have a clue what life is all about.  They want to tweet this, text that, they want their creature comforts - but don't get it that if it weren't for capitalism, they wouldn't have any of it.  Steve Jobs was one of the biggest capitalists there ever has been, but they would be demonstrating against him if they realized what he was - but still use their iphones, ipods, etc., etc.!  Makes you shake your head in wonderment!  On RedCountry.com last night, there was a blog by "Chicks on the Right" about the manifesto that is currently being written and will be voted on shortly before Thanksgiving.  Check it out.  Rather ironic that this will be voted on just before Thanksgiving, cuz I would lay you dollars to donuts that the protestors will expect Mom and Dad to see their way clear to get junior home for the Thanksgiving holiday!  Of course, by then, the smell will be so strong that the NYPD may dunk them all in the Hudson River - but then, it might kill all the fish.  Shucks, have to think something else up.
     In the late 1960's, when the Rainbow Group first started coming to Paonia for their annual "love fest", or whatever they call them - very similar to what is going on in NYC - they camped out in the park, just kitty-corner from where my folks lived and where I grew up.  Every year, when they left, the trash, etc., etc., was enormous and something the townsfolk had to foot the bill for cleaning.  My dad and several of the town dads were ready to get a portable sheep dip vat and go over to the park and do a little clean-up work of their own.  The town marshal at the time, Ernie Teft, finally talked Daddy out of it, but I've often wondered since if maybe he didn't regret it, too!!  That is an idea for the NYPD, tho, cuz I'm sure they could find those vats somewhere in the state!  When it's all said and done, these are the children of the hippies of the '60's - the apple apparently is not falling very far from the tree!
     The media are making a big deal about Ron Paul's winning the straw poll at the Value Voter Summit in D.C. this weekend, but if you go to any of these national summits, you soon learn that the Paul contingent is young and very vocal, so his winning this poll didn't surprise me.   It was interesting to note, at the Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit last February that while Ron Paul won the online poll, those of us in the audience voted for Herman Cain.
     This past July, we - and by that, I mean Katrina Yochim, Kathy Svenson, Liz Matz and I - conducted a Vacation Liberty School at the Assembly of God Church here in town.  Dawn Ullrey also lent her talents for a day as she and Katrina had conducted the school in Paonia in April.  This is still a trial and error thing, but one thing we discovered this summer was that between April, when the first one was held, and July, the originators of the school had given or sold its premise to a publishing house.  As with most things, it had its pluses and minuses, but one of the biggest drawbacks was that while there was a lot of information pulled in and included, it was geared to a much older audience than was originally intended - almost an adult audience.  And it tended to jump around a lot as far as subject matter.  Katrina, being a trained teacher, and I kind of gritted our teeth on some of it, so we have decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and do some revising.  Liz and I, along with Gary Burnett, who is a Constitutional historian, Nelson Scott and, I presume, Kathy, met today for a "working lunch" -ooooh, that sounds so official, doesn't it!! There were several ideas put forth, so we're going to work on our own, then get back together in a couple of weeks to see what we have come up with.  One thing we did pretty well decide was to do it just one day a week and take five weeks to go through it.  It will be interesting to see what we come up with besides that!  Gary did tell us that the Pledge of Allegiance was introduce 119 years ago this coming Wednesday on the 400th anniversary of Columbus Day!  His book will shortly go to the publisher and it will be a godsend to us for vacation liberty school!
     Sometimes I really despair for this country - we have the Wall Street hippies doing their thing, the Boy Scouts working in tandem with a Muslim group - which probably is causing the founding fathers of BSA to have heart failure if they aren't already dead, or rolling over in their graves - and once again, we're having to fight Agenda 21 in our own backyard.  The conservation easements mentioned in the paper this past week just scream Agenda 21!!  What people are not realizing is that once these lands are put into land trusts and conservation easements is that that land is completely taken out of production, permanently!  There is no hope of using that land to even farm, once it is put in a land trust.  This is what Agenda 21 is all about!  For those of you who have never seen Barb Hulet's presentation, the next time she presents it, you need to be there.  I wanted to embed a photo of a map that shows how the United States is supposed to look by 2021 and it's scarey.  There is absolutely no inhabited land in western Colorado and not much in the entire western United States, other than a little settlement around Denver, and again on the west coast.  I'm sorry, but this is our land and they can keep their friggin' hands off of it!
     This should be a fairly quiet week - there is no meeting this week, but Thursday, I urge all of you to attend David Justice's presentation on "Is America a Christian Nation?" at the Performing Arts Center (old high school) at 6:00 p.m.   Also, please note the Western Colorado Energy Summit, which will be held at 1:30 on the 21st at Colorado Mesa University in the University Center South Ballroom.  State Speaker of the House Frank McNulty, Jerry Sonnenberg, who is the chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, as well as other legislators will be there.  This is Ray Scott's baby and we need to show him our support.  I don't think I need to emphasize how important the energy industry is to Western Colorado as a whole, and to Delta County in particular with its coal.  Oh, and this Saturday is when Sarah Palin's movie, The Undefeated, will be shown as the Deitch Haus, 6:30 p.m.!  Hope to see you all there!
     Good nite, all!
                                                                        The Patriot Granny

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     Things are getting a lot dicier considering the national candidates, and right now, I almost agree with Hank Williams, Jr. in saying that I'm not really crazy about any of them.  I do like Michelle Bachmann, but it saddens me that so much of not only the lame-stream media, but a lot of conservative bloggers, too, are writing her off.  She's the only true conservative out there that I've seen so far.  Yes, I know, Ron Paul is a big conservative, but the fact that he's pro-choice and thereby is not anti-abortion - no, thanks!  That's one place I won't compromise on.  I did for a long time, but the deeper I study the Bible, the more I know how morally wrong it is.  After all, David talks about, in Psalms, God's knowing him in the womb.  May not tell you much, but it tells me an awful lot.  Paul's foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, too.  Ahmadinejad having nuclear capabilities??  Uh, no.  Not just no, but heck no!
     I had been favoring Herman Cain quite a bit, but after watching a video on the Fed tonight, I have to wonder.  Mr. Cain served as chairman of the Fed in Kansas City from 1992 to 1996.  When he first began his campaign, if asked about auditing the Fed, his response was, "Call 'em up - they'll tell you anything you want to know!"  Although I seriously doubt it, it may have been that way in Kansas City when he was chair there, but I'm very certain that's not the case any more!  Mr. Cain has changed his tune in the last couple of weeks, but it still leaves question marks.
     There is one other person that I would love to see run and that's Allen West from Florida.  He's not afraid of anything.  A good man, very sensible and what we need!  Just too bad he's not willing to run - yet.  Who knows, 2016 may be his year.  I was glad to hear today that Chris Christie has decided not to run.  There are too many unanswered questions!
     At a special meeting of the Western Slope Constitutional Patriots tonight, we watched a video about our economic system.  You can go to www.silentnomorepublications.com and check on the Youtube link to watch the video.  It is very interesting how many times the progressives in this country tried to establish a national bank before it was finally accomplished, and how many assassinations were possibly tied to it.  McKinley and Garfield's both were.  I would have said Lincoln's, too, but a new book out by Bill O'Reilly, called Killing Lincoln, gives a different reason for Booth's assassinating Mr. Lincoln.  The video not only tells you what the problems are, but what we can do to combat them and turn things around.
     There is also an bill called the Monetary Reform Act that has been introduced that would seem to provide a means to an end regarding the debt and, in addition, keep inflation and deflation at bay.  The link is www.themoneymasters.com/monetary-reform-act.  Check it out!  I plan on doing so more thoroughly because the brief PowerPoint presentation we saw tonight left me rather confused.
     We got the good word tonight that because of the percentage of Delta County residents who voted for Dan Maes, the Republican gubernatorial candidate in the last election, the number of delegates from the county for state convention has almost doubled!!  Caucuses have been moved up to February, which means we need to get to work, vetting candidates and making sure our candidates do agree with our principles!
     Before I forget it, I need to correct one thing in my last post:  the gentleman from Paonia running for school board in District 5 is David Evans, not Dale Evans.  I don't believe she's alive any more, even!  Sorry, Dave!  Knew Dale wasn't right, but couldn't get beyond it - LOL!
     Speaking of David, Thursday night is the school board forum at 6:30 at Garnet Mesa Elementary.  If you get an opportunity, try to be there so you can learn where the candidates are coming from.
     Our next WSCP meeting will be next Tuesday, October 11, at the Deitch Haus at 6:00.  We will be talking about candidates, among other things, as the ballots will have gone out.  Oh, I would be remiss if I did not mention Proposition 103.  This is one big, fat NO, folks.  Even the Democrat party would not support Senator Rollie Heath's bill on the floor at the last of the session last spring.  In order to ensure that any monies collected as taxes goes into the education fund, it has to be designated "classroom-ready" and the funds that would result from this bill would not!  All monies collected would go into the general fund and money from this for K-12 classes would be non-existent .  Not only that, but it would, over the supposed five-year life span of the bill, kill somewhere in the neighborhood of 119,000 jobs in the schools.  Scary, huh?  Like I said, even the Democrats wouldn't support it, that's why Heath had to go the proposition route!  So, vote NO on proposition 103 when you get your ballot!
     One other thing of interest that I'll note tonight - on the blog, "Colorado Peak Politics" last night or this a.m., there is an article about Brandon Schafer, Senate President.  Seems that the Democrats, in their infinite wisdom, drew his house in Longmont out of the 4th Congressional District.  This wouldn't be bad, EXCEPT, Mr. Schafer had planned to run against Republican (and very popular in both the state and Washington, D.C.) Corey Gardner in the 4th CD.  Hmmmmmm!  Mr. Schafer is so desparate that yesterday, he filed a complaint with the Denver court, trying to persuade it that his house should be included in that particular district so he can run.  Boo hoo!  Considering Mr. Gardner is receiving lots of accolades from the grassroots groups here in Colorado, plus being an up-and-coming star in the House, what would you say Schafer's chances are of defeating him????  Will be interesting to watch, that's for sure!
     That's it for tonight, folks!  Have a good week!  Hope you've gotten to enjoy the beautiful colors God has painted this country with 'cuz I think they are about to disappear!
                                                                           The Patriot Granny     

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This and That

     Haven't done a lot of posting lately - doesn't seem like a lot to be real hopeful about.   On the other hand, doesn't seem a lot to be real disparaging about, but maybe I've had my head stuck in the sand, too.
     Just read a blog from a Bob Russell on Patriot Action Network that kind of made me sit up and think.  His comment or quote that political correctness has become the new American idol really hit the nail on the head.  Like he said, we are so afraid of hurting another person's feelings that we don't stand up for what we believe, and that's wrong.  We each have a right to our own beliefs and feelings - we don't have to agree with others all the time; maybe not even very often, but we each have that right, as well as  the duty to respect others' rights.  And it's time we start speaking up for our Christian values.  If we don't, we're going to lose the right to speak about them at all!
     Along that same vein, this coming sunday is Pulpit Freedom Sunday.  Were you aware that by federal law, altho there are some questions about its validity, ministers are not supposed to speak about the candidates and their qualities, or lack thereof, as far as whether they are a suitable candidate?  And that's without naming any names!  That certainly was not what our forefathers had in mind.  In fact, the "Black Robe Brigade", as the English called them, were given a great deal of credit by the English for our declaring our independence.  George Whitfield, who had been trained as a young man in England to be an actor, but who later became a minister and came to America, was very influential in persuading many to join the fight for freedom!  This coming Sunday, each and every minister in America has a chance to become a part of this Black Robe Brigade, in a sense, by not hesitating to speak out from the pulpit as to what characteristics we, as Christians, should look for in the candidates.  Encourage your minister to feel free to speak as the Alliance Defense Fund has already publicly stated that they would provide legal assistance and defense for any minister charged with any wrongdoing in connection with this.  For more information on the Black Robe Brigade, go to www.wallbuilders.com for David Barton's wealth of information.
     Tonight, yet again I received the link to a cartoon that was put together in 1948 that has as much relevance today as it did then - if not more!  The link is 1948 Cartoon - and I surely hope you can open it up, especially if you haven't seen it before.  It is just as true, if not more so, today as it was back then and it's actually scary that it is so relevant!
     Last night was our regular meeting of our Western Slope Constitutional Patriots and one of the things mentioned was HR822, the National Reciprocity Act - a bill that would supposedly make a concealed carry permit in one state legit in every state.  However, it opens the door for more federal regulations - in fact, a person would have to "show a need" for a ccp, there would be more frequent renewals required, and higher fees, among other things.  Surprisingly - or maybe not - the NRA is for it, but the National Association of Gun Owners very much feels like it is a "Trojan Horse" bill.  As the Mesquite (Nevada) Press put it, the camel's toe or nose.  While this Congress might not use the bill to further control our 2nd Amendment rights, who is to say that a future Congress might find a way to do so, and before you know it, our right to bear arms would be gone!  That's what the anti-gun crowd wants anyhow, so let's certainly not hand it to them.  Unfortunately, Scott Tipton has already indicated he is in favor of it, so we need to blast him, along with Bennet, Udall, and the other Colorado representatives, to withdraw their support.  It is my understanding that Cory Gardner does not support the bill, but you might check on that.
      We are really lucky to have the Heritage Foundation representative for this 5-state area, Michael Jude, living in Paonia and he has agreed to lead us in a discussion of Matthew Spalding's fantastic book, We Still Hold These Truths.  When Liz, Kathy and I went to the Tea Party Patriots' Policy Summit last February, I bought the book, along with the CD and the Leader's Guide, as I would still like to teach the Constitution and about that era in our history.  Well, the Heritage Foundation was giving away a special boxed set of Dr. Spalding's book, along with their guide to the Constitution - which I also bought - a Founders' Almanac, I believe it's called, and a couple of other books.  Lo and behold, I was the lucky winner, or one of them, so I doubled up on the guide to the Constitution and Dr. Spalding's book, altho I did sell it to Liz.  If anyone would be interested in the very comprehensive guide, please let me know because I can't really read both of them at the same time - would be rather redundant, you know!  Anyhow, this ought to be a very interesting 11-week course, so if you're interested, let us know so we can steer you to the correct address to pick up the book.  The course will start mid-October, so don't wait!  The book, itself, is fascinating and easy reading, so I highly recommend it!
     Also received notice from Ray Scott today of a Western Colorado Energy Summit, to be held in Grand Junction at the college on October 21.   State House Speaker McNulty and Representative Jerry Sonnenberger will be attending and there will be discussions regarding all of the energy resources in our area and ways to develop a sound, aggressive energy policy.  I will be attending, possibly Liz and anyone else who is interested.  The energy industry on this side of the state has really taken a beating and we need to show all the support we can.
     In connection with that, the BLM is inviting written comments regarding Oxbow Mining's proposed core drilling on Oak Mesa in hopes of opening a new mine there.  There was an article in today's Delta County Independent regarding it.  The comment period is open until October 24, and you can send comments to the BLM c/oDesty Dyer, BLM, 2465 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO, 81401; emailed to desty_dyer@blm.gov ; or faxed to 970-240-5367.  With the EPA threatening to close 20% of the coal-fired electrical plants across the nation, it is time for us to fight back, not only writing the BLM about this, but contacting our congressment to rein in the EPA.  As far as Oxbow's proposed mine, it would be in Delta County, not Gunnison, so would bring tax revenues into this county!  Something we sorely need.
     We don't want to forget the school board election coming up before long.  The WSCP is endorsing three conservative patriots, Kathy Svenson here in Delta, Mike Mason in Cedaredge and Dale Evans in Paonia.  October 6 with be a "Meet the Candidates" meeting at Garnet Mesa School at 6:30 p.m.  Let's show Kathy, Mike and Dale our support!
     I'm sure there's several things I have forgotten, but it's getting late and the pillow is singing its siren song!  Good night!
                                                                              The Patriot Granny

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pat on the Back!!

     The first Saturday in August, a reapportionment hearing was held in Montrose to try to determine how the state's house districts would be reapportioned.  One of the proposed maps by the Democrats would have thrown a good portion of Delta County, including the city of Delta, in with Pitkin, part of Garfield and part of Gunnison Counties.  The three criteria in determining reapportionment, in order according to the Supreme Court, are equal number of voters in each district, compact size, and last, but not least in our eyes, communities of common interest.  For a state as large as Colorado and the differences in population pockets, it had to be a difficult, but to put Delta County in with the likes of Aspen and Glenwood would have been a big blooper.  Even though, as the one professor from Colorado College put it, it would have made District 61 a "swing" district, meaning it could swing either way, Delta County's conservative values just don't mesh with those of Aspen and Glenwood Springs.  As I pointed out in my testimony, Delta County sits in a U-shaped basin with mountains on the north, east and south, effectively isolating it from Aspen and Glenwood.  Up until the new road on the east side of McClure Pass was completed in the 70's or so, travel over the pass was impossible in winter and even in summer it was rather intimidating, given that there was at least four, I think, switchbacks that could give an experienced driver a pain a pill wouldn't reach and a doctor wouldn't dare.  Even as experienced driving in the mountains as she was, Mom got spooked on one of the switchbacks to the point she couldn't comfortably travel on real rugged roads again!  You would have to know my mom to know how much it had to have scared her because I really don't think there was much of anything she was scared of!  As she often told us, "dynamite comes in small packages" and believe me, my sis and I were convinced of it!  I think there were quite few others who were, too, cuz not many, including Daddy, crossed her!
     But I digress!  The pass has provided a barrier, not only physically, but psychologically and economically all these years.  People from the east end of the county don't go to Aspen and Glenwood to shop - the pass is used more as a shortcut to get to Denver than anything!
     The point of this whole thing is that we won!  The reapportionment commission met Monday and decided to leave Delta County basically the same as it had been - the western and northern parts (around Cedaredge) as part of District 54, now renumbered as 56, and the eastern and southern part as part of District 58!  So, Ray Scott retains the possibility of being re-elected in District 56, but we will have to find a better representative for District 58.  Mr Coram, for all his affability, dances to his own tune regardless of what his constituents want, and didn't hesitate in letting the reapportionment commission know that if he lost Delta County as part of his district, it was "no big deal".  Excuse me, Mr. Coram, I do believe we consider ourselves as important as the rest of your constituents!
     Anyhow, just wanted to toot my own horn, so to speak, because along with Bruce Hovde and Ann Eddington, I have to feel I was effective in helping the commission make up its collective mind to leave the two districts intact!
                                                                      The Patriot Granny                                    

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to "Normal"?

     Well, sort of.  After taking a break last week, have several thoughts about things.
     One of the fall-outs of the 9/11 service was that in the video we had planned to show, George W. Bush was shown as a hero and some have a problem with that.  I will be the first to admit that he made many mistakes in his presidency and the fact that he and his father belong to the Bilderberg group is very upsetting.  However, at that point in time - immediately following 9/11 - he provided leadership that we probably would not have gotten from anyone else.  Like someone said, can you imagine how Al Gore or John Kerry would have reacted?  I don't even want to go there!  I will say that Bush's willingness, now that he is out of office, to greet servicemen and women returning from Iran, Pakistan, etc., without making sure the press are there; his visit to survivors of the Ft. Hood massacre; and other of his altruistic efforts should be appreciated and not judged.  We don't know what is in his heart and his reaching out is appreciated by those on the receiving end.
     Late last week, I sent out a copy of an e-mail I had received about a Muslim shop being shut down on 9/11because of the death of a martyr.  I will not got to snopes to check things out because they have already been proven to not be entirely truthful about things.  Anyhow, it turns out that this was actually from a year ago and that the martyr had died 600 years ago or something like that.  The upturn of it was that I was accused of spreading an untruth.  My thoughts are that whether we like it or not, the Muslim religion and Shari'a law are creeping across our land and it is very scary.  It is something we have to stand up to or, as one of their imams has said, the Islamic flag will fly over America.  Our Constitution, which we celebrated this past Saturday in particular, is the law of the land, not Shari'a, but more and more, Shari'a law is being used by American courts.  There are many good, conservative Muslims living in this country, I'm sure, who do not believe that Shari'a law should implemented, such as the group who are backing a Michigan bill which would ban all foreign law in Michigan courts.  However, these Muslims are not usually vocal because they have been intimidated by the likes of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other more radical Islamic groups.  In this country, the Islamic community have all the freedoms guaranteed to all of us, but too many of them would deny us our rights.  Consider the case of the police captain in Oklahoma who refused to attend an Islamic function on his own time and was suspended from his job.   Or even particularly the female members of their own families.  A couple of years ago, I was in Sam's Club in Grand Junction when I saw two women in burkas.  Their eyes were not covered, but that was the only part of them that wasn't.  I wanted to go up to them, snatch the veils from their faces and tell them that this is America and they don't have to live that way.  I recently read, too, where, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the women are suffering from what is called "soft" rickets because they don't get enough sunlight due to the burkas.
     Too many times, those in power have acquiesced, just to be politically correct, to the detriment of our own rights under the Constitution.  Another big point of contention is the TSA regulations for flying.  While 96-year-old grandmothers and small children have to be patted down, Muslims can walk right thought without being screened, patted down, or any type of check, "because it is against their religion".  Excuse me, but being touched in private parts by someone other than my husband is against my religion, also!  That doesn't stop the TSA, tho.  Just let something the least bit suggestive of profiling or prejudicial behavior against a Muslim and the screams and threats of CAIR are heard all over the land!  Israel profiles and it doesn't have problems with airplane bombers or bomb threats.  After all, who flew the planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, the Pennsylvania field?  It wasn't white, American people, most assuredly not 96-year-old grannies or small children - they were all Muslims, most of whom were in the country illegally, having overstayed their visas, or snuck into the country. 
     Oh, how many of you have heard or read that the Congressional Black Caucus has said that if there were a white president in the White House, they would be marching on the WH because of the unemployment numbers in the black community.  Now, if that isn't racism, I don't know what is!  They need to be chewing on him, just as much as on any white president - it isn't his color that is so destructive to white or black, it's his policy!  Who was it who said, "It's the economy, stupid!"  Amen to that!.  We all have to work together, regardless of color, to get rid of the current policies that are so destructive to jobs in the private sector.  After all, if there isn't a private sector paying taxes, there won't be enough money in the coffers to pay for the government jobs! 
     I hope you have read at least part, if not all, of our Constitution, since we are celebrating it this week.  I must confess I have not read all of it, but I am studying it, little by little.  Between The 5000 Year Leap, by W. Cleon Skousen, and We Still Hold These Truths, by Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation, I'm learning so much of the background.  It is fascinating to learn what our founding fathers went through and the thoughts and beliefs that were the basis for the Constitution.  It is an incredible document and one we all need to study, learn and revere.  We were given a gift by God, through men, and the freedoms granted by it are really something else.  A blessing indeed.  I hope you learn to love it and appreciate it.
                                                                                             The Patriot Granny

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Ten years ago this morning, about an hour ago, we first got word of a plane hitting the north tower of the Twin Towers in New York City.  Like the shooting of JFK, I don't think anyone will forget where they were or what they were doing.  I was working in a law office in southwestern Indiana and we had an abstract office right next door.  There was an inside door between us and my desk faced the door.  When Tim came through the door to tell us, he was totally aghast at what had happened, and it seemed completely unreal.  As the events of the day unfolded - the second tower, the Pentagon being hit, then Flight 93 in the fields of Pennsylvania - we reached out to each other, to our neighbors, even to strangers, in an attempt to try to understand.  Listening to the various speeches, songs and seeing the pictures all over again don't lessen the depth of loss we as a nation experienced.  We have, however, become complacent about so much that we complain about all the little things and inconveniences.  And there are some legitimate complaints about security measures that are unnecessary and  skewed - like not subjecting muslim men and women to the pat-downs and body scans like the rest of us.  Israel profiles those who flying on their planes and they don't have the incidences of attempted jihad like we have had the last two years.  So much of what we now have to go through is unnecessary and an affront to us as Americans - profile and all of the ludicrous and invasive security measures can be done away with.  Those most likely to do anything are not being searched to begin with, so what good do these security measures do anyhow?  Profile, profile, profile and there won't be a problem!
     If nothing else, I hope the program this afternoon will awaken people to the feelings we had ten years ago, the feelings of patriotism and concern for our fellow men.  How did it affect you?  The horror and unbelief at what had happened quickly turned to pride and defiance that this nation would not be taken down.  We must return to those feelings to regain our place in the world.  The apologist-in-chief is all hot air and we must disregard what his teleprompters say about how the muslims have played such an important part in our history.  They didn't and that's a fact.  The first part they ever played was as pirates in Tripoli when Thomas Jefferson obtained a copy of the Quran so he could study it and know his enemy.  There are those who have no intention of following the Quran's call to violence in this country, or in Israel - they know a good thing when they see it and they don't want to rock the boat.  Unfortunately, they have been frightened into silence against those who would commit jihad on this country.  The current administration has catered to them and it is obvious, even though it is vehemently denied, that the usurper in the White House is a muslim, and must be defeated in the next election if we are to regain our nation.
     Well, it's now 10:15 p.m. and I guess I'd better finish this thing.  First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who worked so hard to get the memorial service off the ground.  It was a success.  With probably 40 bikers coming through town, it made quite a sight and even the ones waiting at the pavilion were rather amazed.  My dear husband, who worked so hard to make this a success, and the guys who helped, Don Krieger, Dave Crawford and Dennis Mitchell - thanks, guys, it was awesome!  The VFW post was so good about coming and doing the flag ceremony - I just screwed it up by forgetting to ask them to retire the colors!  It's just too bad the chief of police absolutely refused to work with the bikers - in a meeting held last night, he said he did not want to hear all those Harleys and it was rather interesting that there was not one police car anywhere near Main Street when the riders came through.  I am very sorry, tho, that none of the police officers or sheriff's deputies chose to show up and we only had two volunteer firemen, both of whom were in the color guard from the VFW.  They were all invited, so...........  Also invited were the county commissioners and Bruce Hovde had already sent his regrets, but neither Mr. Lund or Mr. Atchley showed up either.  There was a good crowd, tho, probably between 50-75 people, not counting the bikers, most of whom left before it was over with. 
     Ray Scott's talk was perfect and David Justice left us all thinking a little bit more about things.  I just hope, when it was all over and done with, people went away with a little more patriotism in their hearts and a renewed spirit that this is the greatest country in the world and we will do everything we can to preserve it.
     Thanks again, everyone, it was deeply appreciated!
                                                                               The Patriot Granny

Saturday, September 10, 2011


     By this time tomorrow evening, the memorial service will be over and done with and I will be able to heave a sigh of relief!  This has been a lot of work, but like I told someone tonight, we have lost the feelings of patriotism and altruism that were so prevalent following 9/11 and I hope this service tomorrow will rekindle these feelings.  I know I've gotten complacent about a lot of it, but watching some of the various videos and pictures, reading different stories today, has really made me stop and think about where we are heading again.  It is imperative that we change the occupant of the White House, as well as many of the members of Congress.  It is just very unfortunate that Colorado does not have a senatorial contest this year - I can only hope that the recount of the votes in the Buck/Bennet race will soon come to light and show that Bennet did indeed steal the race and that Buck should have been in D.C. all this time, doing as the people of Colorado really want, not the select few around Boulder whom Bennet and Udall listen to.  They are a disgrace to this state.
     Our movie this evening was The Child, which is put out by an organization called ParentalRights.org.  The movie, Agenda:  The Grinding Down of America, that we watched 2-3 weeks ago, talked about how both Hitler and the communists knew that capturing the minds of the children was the secret to imploding this country.  The Child takes this further and tells about the Conference on the Rights of Children that is currently before the UN and the damage it will do to our children, our families, our lives and our nation if the treaty proposed by it is ratified by our senate.  There is a petition out to send to our Congressmen to back a Parental Rights Amendment that introduced last fall.  The bill proposing this amendment passed the House and had more than enough signatures to pass the Senate but flea-bag Harry won't even let it come to the floor.  That man needs to be removed from office and the sooner the better.  He is as much of a despicable disgrace as Mayor Bloomberg is!  This is what Justice Scalia wants to be able to say to those who try to remove the rights of the parents - that it is a fundamental right.  As was brought out in the movie, it was such a preposterous notion that people should think otherwise, it was never mentioned in the Constitution, and Scalia, being the strict constitutionalist that he is, cannot not rule in favor of such an opinion unless it's in the Constitution.  The answer is, let's give him that amendment!!  So, if you will go to parentalrights.org, there is a petition you can download and take to church or anywhere you may go and ask people to sign it.  It tells you where to send them when a page is full, so I urge each of you to go to that website, download at least one if not more of these petitions and spread them around.  The more we can get the word out about this, the better we can fight the UN.  Of course, this is another of the UN's runs for Agenda 21, so we need to fight it with all of our might.  With God's help, and only with his help, I might add, will we be able to push this back and regain our nation and our rights!
     We have decided to postpone our next meeting of WSCP since that is the same date and time as the Board of County Commissioners quarterly constituents meeting.  We have learned that Dr. Susan Raymond, a veterinary in Hotchkiss who lives directly across from Edwin Hostetler, is planning on suing the County Commissioners and we want to give them a strong show of support.  Her attitude and arrogance certainly show just how much of an elitist she is - ironically, I'll bet she loses a lot of busines as it is my understanding that she did a lot of the Mennonite business.  She won't be seeing them anymore - such a pity.  What makes it even more despicable on her part is that the Hostetlers have been on their property for something like 17 years and tried to be good neighbors, even as much as irrigating for the "good" vet when she would call and ask them to do so in the early morning.  Like I told the County Commissioners in my comments, the old adage that to have good neighbors you had to be a good neighbor yourself sure doesn't apply in this case - at least not for Dr. Raymond!   Anyhow, let's all turn out and show the Commissioners our support for making the right decision.
     Those of you in the area, I hope you stop by and take in the memorial service.  If you're not, stop and remember and pay tribute to those who lost their lives.  If you're on Facebook, you will find a post on my page about stopping whatever you are doing at the same moment as the first plane hit the tower.  Say a little prayer, whatever, but our country needs prayers so badly.  The families of those who died are still rebuilding their lives and need to be included in our prayers, too.  We don't stop to think about how really lucky we are that we are still alive, in no small part because of the actions of our country immediately following 9/11.  Whether we like everything or not, up until 2009 when the usurper was installed and there has every attempt to basically deny what had happened and downplay it, we were in the safest place in the world.  We need that world back, so pray for it!
     Good night!
                                                                              The Patriot Granny

Friday, September 9, 2011

The countdown is on

     Once again, a blog that I started last night went out in outer space, never to be heard from again, and after making several pints and half-pints of corn cob jelly yesterday, I decided to call it quits and not try to rewrite it.
     Altho Liz and I were planning on going to hear Ken Buck, former candidate for Colorado senator last night, we both felt we had too much to do otherwise, so stayed home!
     Barb Hulet did a great job on her presentation, "What is Progressive", tonight and it is great that she continues to expand it each time.  This time, she did it at the meeting for the Republic of Colorado group. 
     After being alerted to a well-written article in the paper about Oxbow Mining's plans for a new mine in Delta County, and the request for supporters to form a network of friends and organizations who will back Oxbow in this attempt against the environmentalists, I called Steve Lewis, the gentleman listed as the liaison for all such groups.  At his request, I sent him a letter of introduction, and hope to hear from him shortly.  He said he was going to share my letter with other mining officials, so don't know how closely I will be working with them.  One thing Liz and I had learned in Denver this spring was how unsupportive the woman who is supposed to be the lobbyist for the Coal Mining Association is.  At the hearing on H.B. 1365, which was actually written by Excel to close down the coal-fired electrical plants on the eastern slope, she did nothing but sit on her hands.  I had conveyed this information to the president of the association because it is imperative that they get someone who will go to bat for them, but have heard nothing.  She is one reason Ritter and his ilk were able to get such stringent laws regarding the coal and air quality through with ease.  Coal is so vital to this valley - always has been - and we have to push back against those who have decided to make this their own little utopia and to hell with the natives.  I don't think so!  Our forefathers were the ones who settled this valley and had to fight the elements to survive, making the valley as fertile and green as it is - not them!  It will be interesting to see what comes about because of my letter to Mr. Lewis.
     Another little tidbit I received in an e-mail today is that hay is now considered a polluant.  That's right, regular alfalfa hay that is fed to cattle.  And no, it's not the musty, moldy hay, but high-quality hay, so decided by the EPA.  Of course, this is done to drive the small cattle rancher out in favor of huge, corporate-owned feedlots.  Any farmer or rancher who stores hay, or who leaves a broken hay bale in the field, is potentially violating EPA rules and subject to an EPA enforcement action.  This came to light at a cattlemen's meeting recently held in Rapid City, SD.  The EPA and the beef packers seem to be in cahoots against the little guy - surprise, surprise.  This information was quickly sent to County Commissioner Atchley whose family raises exotic cattle, so hopefully, he will work with us on a lot of these environmental things.
     Liz and I were supposed to have gone to Houston in late August to attend a meeting of the Tea Party Patriots regarding the health care compact.  This is similar to Obamacare in that it mandates health care for the citizens of each state, which is unconstitutional to begin with and should never have been passed.  Amy Stephens, the House Majority Leader for Colorado shoved it down the throats of the House last spring, even though it was not wanted by a majority of the state and most of the House Republicans.  She was very nasty in her forcing this, to the point one of the freshmen representatives nearly changed his affiliation, just to get away from her.  She has been another Nancy Pelosi as far as most of the House Republicans have been concerned!  She even went so far as to browbeat the El Paso County GOP central committee not to speak out against any bill she introduced or heavily supported.
     However, when the powers that be found out that Liz and I did not support the health care compact, we were quickly "disinvited" - no biggie, especially with the heat and fires in Texas, altho Liz would have had an opportunity to see her sister.
     Anyhow, Liz, who is a state coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots has had a hassle with a woman in the Four Corners area who said she didn't want to take Liz's position, but hasn't hesitated to be very nasty towards Liz over some things not happening on her timetable, even though it was out of Liz's hands.  Liz went online the other day and lo and behold, this woman is now listed as a state coordinator along with Liz.  In addition, she had completely erased all of the events Liz had so meticulously posted on the Tea Party Patriots website!  One of the other national coordinators had discovered that and contacted Liz.  Her staying on as a state coordinator is rather iffy at the moment, between this other woman's being named a coordinator and the fact that TPP is not only backing but pushing the health care compact, which is an antithesis of what they are supposed to be all about - smaller government mainly!  We, as a group, will most likely pull out of TPP since they no longer seem to be the grassroots group they have held themselves out to be.
     I truly believe the memorial service is finally put together.  There had been a suggestion made about a 21-gun salute, which would have been appropriate for those who lost their lives in the Pentagon and for those who have lost their lives in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan since, but it didn't get worked out, so that's okay.  The suggestion was made that 21 people pull names of victims out of a jar and read them, but that's a no go, too.  If I get my poem written, I may read it there, or say a little something - just have to see what I decide on.  It will be nice to get back to a "normal" mode of living - if such a thing is possible - come Monday.  This has been a much bigger project than I ever thought it would be.  I'm just sorry we are ending up with duplication, not only in Grand Junction, but now, something in Montrose, too, but I think there's going to be several come from there, especially bike riders.  Word is getting out and getting around so we may have twenty or more bikes!
     Hope you are looking forward to joining us, but if not, at least stop for a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the towers, as well as the Pentagon and Flight 93.  Remember all those who worked so hard to save lives and to fight, especially on Flight 93.  As was said at the time, by President Bush, I believe - we have a rallying cry, "Let's roll!" and we need to do so to make this country into a freer country by doing everything we can to fight tyranny!
     There's a very real possibility that we will postpone our meeting next week since it will conflict with the County Commissioners' quarterly constituents meeting and the place may be packed with opponents to the Hostetler matter, even though that was decided by the Commissioners.  We really should be there to support the Commissioners as they very definitely did the right thing.  It will be at 6:00 on September 13 in Room 232 in the courthouse.  Hope to see you there!
                                                                             Patriot Granny

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


     Had started a blog earlier, but for some reason, it went out in lala land and never returned.  Oh, well,  c'este la vie!
     I've been listening to all of the comments from the conservatives radio talk show hosts about the comments Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., VP Biden, et al have made this past weekend about the Tea Party.  It is sad that they never will understand that the Tea Party is not a physical entity, it is a philosophy that has been embraced by a large share of Americans.  I think we all look back with rose-colored glasses at the time when we were growing up and while we lived with the threat of the atom bomb, the Cold War and bomb shelters, there was a realization that we live in the greatest nation on earth and that belief was shared by everyone - at least most everyone.  As the '60's wore on, especially with the Viet Nam war, we saw more and more of the radicals that we now recognize as communists and Marxists.  Perhaps I'm a bit naive, but I find it so difficult to understand how anyone who tries to step back and look at all sides can think that communism is so great.  Even Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panther party member who shot and killed someone, I believe it was a cop, during that time frame and escaped to Cuba, then on to Russia, became disillusioned and returned to the United States, even though he knew it meant facing serving a prison term for his actions.  He knew that even behind bars he would be much freer that he ever was in Cuba or Russia.  That says a lot!
    Growing up in Paonia like I did, I've always been very aware of the power of the unions.  While it was never openly acknowledged or discussed, there were basically three classes of people, businessmen, farmers and ranchers, and coal miners.  The subtle differences were always just under the surface.  Knowing the power of the unions, I have also been thinking about how the union leaders have pledged the union members to do Obama's bidding in the coming months and have to wonder just how many union members are going to get into lockstep and do exactly as they are told.  I can't help but think about a situation some 29 years in which the union leaders made a decision that cost the lives of two of my classmates. 
     Even though we were only juniors, Jim Rozeman was our starting quarterback that fall.  He had followed in his older brothers' footsteps and was a good athlete, not only on the football field, but in other sports as well.
     That fall, however, not very far into the school year, a bunch of miners back in the Appalachians went out on a wildcat strike.  Knowing now what I do about mining, especially back in that area, there is a very good chance they had very good reasons for striking, but for some reason, the local union bosses called the miners in the North Fork Valley out on strike, strictly in sympathy. 
     There had been a home game on Friday night in which Jimmy had quarterbacked, but the game the following week was to be in Fruita and he wanted his mother to be able to go, so he and a fellow classmate, and his best friend, Richard Schroeder, headed out to help load hay bales so there would be enough money for his mom to go to the game.
     Of course, the full truth will never been completely known, but on a country intersection, when Jimmy pulled out, he was hit broadside, on his side, by a car traveling at a very high rate of speed.  I don't remember the specific car he drove, but it was a '40's model so, of course, was a pretty heavy vehicle.  The car that hit him, however, was traveling so fast it rolled Jimmy's car, breaking off a telephone post, and crushing the car to the point that Richard was killed because the steering column-mounted gear shift tore his jugular vein.  I don't know how quickly he died, as he was dead before they extricated him, but Jimmy was taken to Grand Junction by ambulance and prepped for surgery.  That many years ago, there were no MRI's or CT's where they could know that his aorta had been torn from his heart and he was bleeding to death as that was the only real injury he had received, other than bruises, so when he insisted they take the driver of the other car, who seemed to be in worse shape than he was, they acquiesced.  Either that - which was the story we were told - or the doctors didn't believe they could have saved him, altho I think hindsight showed otherwise.  Anyhow, I still feel the coal miners' union, and especially the union bosses, have to bear a major share of the responsibility for those two deaths.  How many more do there have to be.  Unions had a good place when they were first started - the Boss Tweeds and Tammany Hall bosses of their day were ruthless in their treatment of their employees and the graft and corruption were rampant.  The unions were able to halt that and the workers were finally able to work at jobs that paid decently, were safe and much more enjoyable.  However, the unions were gradually overrun by the Mob and now are a "pay-to-play" situation where the graft and corruption are again omnipresent - this time by the union bosses against the workers and the employers.  How long will it take for the pendulum to swing back more towards the center, when people like Hoffa and Trumpka and their lieutenants are leading the pack with Obama's blessings?  They are so deep in his hip pocket that to get the power away from them will take some major changes.  It's no wonder they support Obama like they do - I just read in Michelle Malkin's column this morning that while he was still a candidate, he called the various leaders and told them he would call off the feds who were investigating the unions for racketeering.  Then he stacked the National Labor Relations Board with union cronies, so what can this country expect.  He's just as crooked as they are.
     Our bagpipe player, unfortunately, will not be able to play for us this Sunday - he has, sadly, developed COPD, which is not a good thing for a bagpipe player!  I just hope he is tutoring someone in playing it as it is an awesome instrument.  And, we are getting more and more motorcycle riders.  It's just too bad that some people don't stop to realize how much 9/11 really did affect all of us.  One gentleman who was invited to ride and what the occasion was said he didn't know why he should ride, he wasn't involved in 9/11 at all!  Sad, sad, sad when people live in their own little cocoons like that!
     Tomorrow nite is Ken Buck in Grand Junction.  Hope y'all can make it!
                                                                                    The Patriot Granny

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts for today

     In preparing for the 9/11 service, I've been amazed at some of the people's reaction to this service.  When I contacted Chief Thomas of the Delta Police Department, I was told that he "could" not help with this.  In other words, he wasn't interested.  Even when Roy went down to the police department, Chief Thomas wouldn't even talk to him.  However, several of the bikers we have talked to said they have stopped traffic before and they'll do it again.
     I've been listening to Sean Hannity talk about New York City's Mayor Bloomberg's refusal to allow even the first responders or any clergy to attend the memorial service this Sunday.  The first responders should definitely be included, but I read a column in Town Hall News by Michael Youssef the other day that put another spin on the clergy.  From the time Moses first led the Israelites towards the Promised Land, God told them not to intermingle with the Canaanites so they would not begin to also worship the other gods those people did, but to remain pure in their worship of God.  The practice of syncetism - bundling the gods together - diminishes honoring God as he should be.  Because the Israelites did exactly what they were told not to do, they were exiled to Babylon and servitude.   Mr. Youssef's slant is that if Mayor Bloomberg did include clergy from all cultures, including Hindu, Buddhists and other non-monotheistic groups and even muslims, the memorial service would be a "syncetristic feast" and does not honor the God of our fathers as he should be, and I have to agree.  I hadn't thought about it that way, but it is true.  Many have said that Bloomberg didn't include clergy because he would have to include muslims and that would definitely be a slap in the face of not only the families of those who lost loved ones, but New York and the rest of the country as well.   Although I'm sure Mayor Bloomberg hadn't thought about what Mr. Youssef says, not having the clergy there makes sense.
     Our service seems to finally be coming together.  Ray Scott let me know - too late to get it in the paper, unfortunately - that he will also be there to speak, so now I can get the program finished up - except I ran out of ink!!  Am not going to run to Wal-Mart right at this second as I need a shower before I do much of anything!!  At least I can do the stamping on these that I have that I planned on doing!  I'm still very bothered by the fact that Grand Junction is going to have a big bash that has nothing to do with 9/11 this weekend.  I still need to make sure there are firemen and policemen, sheriff's deputies there so they can be thanked.  Also have to write a thank-you and welcome speech and finish a poem I'm starting (if I can!!)
     Tomorrow nite, Walker Stapleton, Colorado State Treasurer, will be at the Deitch Haus to speak at 7:00 p.m. and Ken Buck will be speaking in Grand Junction on Thursday nite.  Friday nite, Barb Hulet will give her presentation on "What is Progressive" at the Deitch Haus at 6:30 p.m.  Be sure to put these on your calendar.  Next week will be our regular meeting on Sept. 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Deitch Haus.  The same night will be the quarterly County Commissioners' constituents public forum, at the same time as our meeting, which is unfortunate, because it would great to go and tell them, in person, thank you for their decision regarding the Hostetlers.  I hope all of you have written your thank-yous to them and be sure to let them know you have their backs if they get sued over this decision. 
     Have a good evening and enjoy the cool, wet weather!  A sure sign of fall!

Monday, September 5, 2011


     I have blogged off and on on my stamping site, but decided I would start keeping track of what is happening in our lives as they hang in balance as far as this country's future.
     When Roy and I joined the Western Slope Constitutional Patriots, I did it more to please him that to try to find out what was happening with our country.  Boy, did I get my eyes opened!  To realize what the progressives have and are doing to our country is appalling and we have to stop it.   In participating in the caucuses with conservative legislators, I've had an education I never thought existed, let alone in our state.  From dealing with a House Majority Leader who was bound determined to push through a health care compact against the wishes of her constituents and the other House Republicans in the state, to the backstabbing even within the grassroots groups, it only proves that (1) we are human and (2) we are drifting further and further away from God and his laws.  We have to come back to God and we have to work together if we are to bring this state together for a future we want, not one force-fed to us as is happening now.    
     One bright spot is Vacation Liberty School, which has successfully been conducted twice in this county and we're hoping to do it again, as well as a follow-up.  These children are hungry to know what this country was really like, not the trash they are being told about climate change, the "heroism" of murderers like Fidel Castro and Che Guevera.  The tentacles of socialism and communism have gotten a firm grasp and it is up to us to cut those tentacles and shrink the influence of communism.  The movie, Agenda:  The Grinding Down of America is a must-see for everyone, as far as I'm concerned.   Hopefully, we can show at least parts of it to at least high school children in the months to come.  Of course, it will have to be done outside of school since our dear school board has been kowtowing to the superintendent for far too long and denying our children the knowledge and information they should be receiving.

     As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I find it hard to believe how little affect it has really had on our patriotism.  And the farther a person is from New York City, the less the affect.  It is appalling that places like Grand Junction decides to hold what is basically a big beer bash on this weekend, or that there would be so little attention paid to the fact it is the tenth anniversary.  One lady at church yesterday didn't even realize that was why she has been bombarded by news about 9/11!  This event impacted our lives in ways many of us don't even realize.  There are the obvious ones, like Department of Homeland Security and all of it's onerous and invasive regulations, like the pat-downs and screening - but heaven forbid they should, in the least little bit, try profiling.  Israel hasn't had problems and they profile all the time.
     This first blog is a mish-mash of thoughts - hopefully, they will become better organized as time goes on.
     Hope you are all enjoying a day off from work - if you are among the fortunate to have a job.  If you aren't, prayers that if you are looking, you will soon find a job. 
                                                                                            The Patriot Granny