Tea Party.net

Friday, September 6, 2013

No to Syria!

I cannot believe what imbecilic behavior the supposed president of this great country has pulled today.  To tell Putin off like he did is nothing more than behaving like a moronic, sophomoric 12-year-old.  Doesn't he have any couth?  It would be one thing if he were right about this, but more and more evidence is surfacing that shows he is not.  The one thing he obviously is, is a muslim brotherhood member in very good standing.  He has made this country the laughing stock of the world.  We can only hope that other countries are realizing that he, John Kerry, the "same-sex senators" McCain and Graham (as the incomparable Mark Levin calls them), and the few - very few - other supporters he has do not speak for this country, but are in a little world of their own.  It's just too bad they have the power of the US military - what's left of it, thanks to them - at their fingertips.  One can only hope that if he is idiotic enough to call a strike, the top echelon of the military will mutiny and refuse to obey orders.  There will probably be a few who wouldn't, but hopefully, there are enough of those who choose to defend the Constitution who would override their orders.

In the meantime, we must all pray that God will watch over Israel and keep her safe and that cooler heads will prevail in this country.
                                                                                                 The Patriot Granny

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I'm baaaack - I hope!!

     It has been so long since I've posted anything and there has been a lot of water under the bridge, but I've had so many things on my mind lately, I've got to get it out of there before I explode!!  Or at least having to contend with a major headache.
     With his winning his second term as President, Obama has set about trying to totally destroy this country and he may be winning.  We can only hope that enough people wake up to what's facing this country that they will join us in this fight.
     I grew up in an era when kids were allowed to play outside, without supervision, and in my case, we covered about 3½-4 blocks, including the town park.  Because most everyone in town knew who we were, we knew we'd better darned well mind our "P's & Q's", or get our butts kicked because our parents would know what we had done - sometimes before we even got home, but at least within the next couple of days.  The thing I'm getting at is that kids today don't have a clue in how to entertain themselves if there isn't a video game or Wii set-up around to play with.  They don't know what it's like to pick up a book and get so lost in it that they feel like they are living it.  To this day, it's hard for me to read a lot of fiction - and some I will not read - simply because I can get so involved that I lose track of reality.  Additionally, so much of what is written anymore has such atrocious language, I don't care to read it anyhow.  My language isn't squeaky clean, by any means, but using the F-bomb for every other word is totally unacceptable.
     And going outside to play just isn't heard of in so many locales.  The small towns around here aren't quite so bad, but go into a big city, or even just larger towns, you don't find the kids outside playing.  It's no wonder obesity is a problem with our kids today!  P.E. is no longer included in the school curriculum, either.  It's time to get these kids up and moving.  This is the only thing I agree with Michelle Obama on - the kids need to play outside and expend that excess energy.  They will sleep much better at night, too!
     The small town where I grew up had high expectations for the majority of the kids who graduated from there - and with only about 150 students in the entire school, that was a good share.  There wasn't - and still isn't - much in the way of employment unless you want to go into the coal mines.  The pay very good and while the mines aren't as dirty and dangerous as they used to be, not everyone is cut out to be a coal miner.  There used to be some family farms and ranches that were passed down, but they are even becoming a thing of the past.  So much of the land has divided up and been bought up, at top dollar, by people who have moved in from either coast.  This denies the young natives who would like nothing more than to stay on the land and work at making it productive the ability to do so.  If any attempt is made to make the land productive, the "trust fund babies" and six-figure retirees who have moved in pitch a fit, and because they have the financial means to pursue legal ramifications, they don't hesitate to do so. 
     There was a case here in the county a couple of years ago of a chicken farm that an Mennonite family wanted to build.  Actually, there were two separate farms, to be operated by father and son.  The father owned the land he wanted to build on, and the son leased the land he planned on building on, with the blessing of the land owner.  However, some "neighbors" pitched an absolute hissy fit.  Farming has priority over anything else in the state of Colorado and altho they had no need of it, someone had convinced the Mennonites that they had to apply for a conditional use permit.  They did everything by the books, even tho it wasn't required, but these so-called neighbors did everything they could to keep it from happening.  Fortunately, the county commissioners ruled in favor of the Mennonite families and the farms are operating.  I attended the commissioners' last meeting before they issued their ruling and afterwards, chatted with another neighbor of the father who had hoped to testify.  He told me that there were a lot of the neighbors in both instances who supported the Mennonites, but were afraid to say anything for fear of retaliation.  No one needs neighbors like that.  These type of people have done more to destroy the economy of the western slope than anyone else.  They like the bucolic atmosphere of the area, so they come in, buy up all this land at top dollar, thus taking it out of production because the young people can't afford the purchase price, then they promptly try to change everything. 
     Now it is fracking.  These people come up with some of the most ridiculous ideas about how "dangerous" fracking is.  After working for Dresser Atlas in northeastern Utah in years gone by, I can tell you that if fracking was as dangerous as "they" say it is, all of northwestern Colorado, from Craig clear across to west of Duschene, Utah, would be one big broken-down mess, no potable water and basically destroyed because wells all across that area were fracked years ago.  Some probably have been fracked numerous times.  Instead, this area is well-known for hunting, fishing, whitewater rafting, dinosaur remains - a big tourist attraction.
     If the power that be can be persuaded that fracking is not dangerous - it does not cause earthquakes, does not contaminate the water, and can help increase employment in this part of the country, so much the better.  If you moved here from somewhere else and don't like what people are doing to try to survive, take a hike.  Go back where you came from, because these people have first priority in this area.
     Will get off my soapbox for now, but you can expect more, now that I'm not in school and am working at home!

                                                                                                       The Patriot Granny

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Year Is Nearly Gone

     Here it is, the 8th day of December, 2012, and a new year about here.  I wish I could say we are facing the new year with all kinds of hope, but with the re-election of Obama, I'm not real optimistic.  The fact that I've complete eight months of school and have opened my own business sometimes makes me wonder if I've lost my marbles.  My continual prayer is that I can keep my head above water and make a go of it.
     The economy in this part of the state is not growing, and with Exxon's announcement just today that it supports the carbon tax as proposed by communist and environmental radical Van Jones, makes the future for the coal producers in this area even dicier.  Of course they would support it - they are the largest holder of natural gas findings in the country.  Any way they can cut the competition, even by collusion, is okay, I guess.  The oil and gas industry is still slowing down - dear friends of our will be moving to Texas after the first of the year because of it. 
     Please ask God to stand with this great nation and that we can regain our senses and return to His fold.  Like Ronald Reagan said, "A nation without God is a nation gone under".  I don't want to live in a nation that has gone under because it turned its back on God - and there's nowhere else to go, either.  Once this nation goes under, that's it.
     When you say your prayers tonight, just please pray for our country and its leaders.
                                                                                 The Patriot Granny

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's the New Year!

     I made a resolution - luckily, only to myself - that I was going to blog at least once a day on one or the other of my blogs.  Guess what - yep, this is the first post of the new year on either blog!  Oh, well, the thought has been there.
     And as several bloggers and commentators have said, we basically have to say Rest In Peace to our freedoms and liberties as set forth in the Bill of Rights, thanks to the National Defense Authorization Act that the idiot-in-chief signed into law on New Year's Eve Day.  One of the most unbelievable things about it is that John McCain - the one person in the entire Congress who should hold our freedoms and liberties far more dear than the rest of us - was one of the authors.  He and Carl Levin from Ohio.  I can't fathom what persuaded McCain to agree to co-author this bill.  Has he lost his mind, his memory, what?  Even worse, altho Obummer said he didn't agree with parts of the bill and added a "signing statement" - for which he has heavily castigated George Bush - the language he supposedly doesn't agree with is language that he, himself, insisted be put in the bill.  I hope people are waking up to what is in this bill and what it is doing to our freedom.  The House signed on to it last summer when it was buried in the House military appropriations bill and I have to wonder how many of the representatives even knew it was in the bill.  Remember dear Nancy - "We have to pass it to know what is in it!"?
     And then there's the taxpayer tax cut extension bill - such a loverly little item.  The Senate had said that they wanted an extension for an entire year, so the House gladly agreed.  So what was Sir Harry's problem that they couldn't go ahead and vote on it and approve it before they took off for the Christmas holiday?  Speaking of which, the only people in this country that get such an extended vacation are the members of Congress and employees who have worked for a company for years and years and built up that kind of vacation time, but first time out of the chute, Congressmen sure do!  Must be nice.  I'm sure that most of those in Congress have never had to figure payroll taxes and don't have a clue what kind of a mess they are creating.  I read or heard someone say just today that we were supposed to have a citizens' legislature, not a professional legislature, and that is so true!  Oh, and we can't forget the nice little $4 million  vacation the president and his family took over Christmas - while a lot of us were even wondering if we were going to be able to have Christmas.  But, we can't miss those golf games, now can we - even better if our partner has been collared in a prostitution sting, to boot!
     Of course, Obummer thinks Congress is in recession - that's why he has made not one, but four recess appointments, regardless of how unconstitutional they may be.  For someone who supposedly taught the Constitution for ten year, Obummer is dumber than a box of rocks - or absolutely refuses to abide by the Constitution, which I think is the real truth.  He thinks he's impervious to obeying the Constitution and that whatever "Lola wants, Lola gets"!  I seriously have to wonder if we will make it to elections next fall, or if he will declare martial law.  
     On a bit more personal note - I have stayed good friends with my former daughter-in-law, who has been living near Paducah, KY with her fiance, his son, and her son and his fiance and her two children.  Last Sat. p.m., the little 3-year-old was playing with matches or a lighter and started a fire that burned my (former) step-grandson over 85% of his body and killed his fiance.  James was life-flighted to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville where he was put into a coma.  At his arrival, he was only given a 4% chance of survival, but thanks to God and the blanket of prayers from all over the country that has covered him , he is improving day-by-day.  The doctors at Nashville said they had never seen lungs burned as severely as his.  He is still in the coma, but they have replaced his original ventilator with a "stepped-down" one like they use in the operating room.  His odds are still pretty iffy, but he's been through two surgeries already and will face two more this coming week before they will begin to bring him out of the coma next weekend.  To all of you that I contacted and asked for prayers, my deepest gratitude. 
     And tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life.  Two or three times this past year, I have applied for a secretarial job, two of them in the legal system at the courthouse and one as a "desk clerk" with the Forest Service, but apparently, no one wants a fat old broad, so this fat old broad is going back to school.  I had acrylic coatings put on my nails while I worked in the law office back in Indiana, and since I have been out here, I also get a pedicure every three weeks as I have ingrown toenails on both sides of both big toes.  I also have peripheral neuopathy in both feet, thanks to bunionectomies, so my feet are a source of discomfort most of the time and the pedicure helps relieve part of that.  Anyhow, to make a long story short, I have decided to go back to school to become a nail technician.  Knowing how important taking care of your feet is, particularly to older people, plus the opportunity to play and be creative, it's gonna be fun!  So, since the rooster will crow about 5:30, I'd best get myself to bed so I can wake up!
     Best wishes for the new year to all of you, may God bless, and prayers for our country!
                                                                                           The Patriot Granny


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What can I say?

     Word came down this afternoon that the reapportionment commission met to rehash and redo the state house and senate maps because the previously submitted maps were unacceptable to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court had told the commission that because they had split several counties and cities, even though the constitutional criteria stresses that such splits are to be held at a minimum, they needed to redo the maps.  So, what did they do?  The Dems waited until 10 pm Sun. to submit completely new maps that are so obviously and vindictively gerrymandered, it's unbelievable, and that should have been submitted by Wednesday.  Then - with the help of  the "unaffiliated" chair, Mario Carrera, ramrodded these maps through, 6-5, on a party-line vote..  The chair, who is supposed to be "unaffiliated" has given approximately $9,000 to the Dems this past year - really unaffiliated, isn't he?  The constitutional criteria of communities of interest was totally ignored, especially for Delta County.  It had been split since the last census between Districts 54, represented by Ray Scott, and 58, represented - more or less - by Don Coram.  It didn't make a bit of difference that Paonia and the east end of Delta County have absolutely nothing in common with Aspen - there is no community of interest.  The new district that encompasses the eastern part of the county also takes in half of Gunnison County, all of Pitkin County (Aspen), Lake County and goes clear up to just a little ways south of Boulder!   It was as if the fact that McClure Pass is a physical, economic, demographic and psychological barrier between eastern Delta County and Pitkin and Gunnison Counties didn't even register!  I'd like to see Carrera and some of the Dems try coming over McClure in a snowstorm, just to bond the two communities together!  I can tell them how much fun it is to slip and slide around!  I hope the court rejects the map straight out and insists on seeing a Republican map, since the straight-line party vote also voted not to allow a minority report to go to the court.  I think the court can overrule them on this and I sure hope they do.  I'd even travel to Denver to testify again if I thought it would do any good!  The final decision by the court is to be made December 6, so guess we'll see what happens!
     One note of good news - Barney Frank is retiring from the House of Representatives.  Actually, he's just not going to try for a 17th term.  He's going to be sooooooo sorely missed - my fat foot!  He said he was fairly certain he could win another term, but that it would be harder than in the past as his district had been gerrymandered against him.  Poor baby.  How's it feel to have the playing field leveled, Mr. Frank?  He also made the comment that so much of what he had worked for would be dismantled by a Republican Congress in the future.  We can only hope!  He has done so much to destroy this economy that turning it around may be - and likely will be - extremely difficult to do. 
     Watching Glenn Beck this afternoon was a little scarey.  Mr. Beck is very frightened as to what is coming down the pike, and I have to agree with his assessment, at least to a degree!  Like he said, the violence that took place last Friday, the so-called "Black Friday", over material things, like electronics and toys - what is going to happen when people want and need food and the shelves are bare, or nearly so?  One of Mr. Beck's recommendations - besides food storage - is to be in a community of like people, church, town, etc.  We are fortunate that here in Delta and in the county, we are a fairly close-knit community, especially among the conservatives.  The libs in Paonia are a different group altogether, but most of the county are conservative, many are natives, and have been raised with a code that you help your neighbor.  After living back east for more than 20 years, I'm glad to be back out here in western Colorado.  It's not the dog-eat-dog world that it is back east.
     One last note - saw a post on Facebook tonight that some guy from Denver who was on the lam in connection with a guy's death is suing the Topeka family he had held hostage while running from the cops!  He said they had agreed to hide him in return for money - well, duh, if you were in fear for your life cuz some idiot had invaded your home while running from the cops, you'd probably agree to some idiotic thing like that, too!  The man certainly played in the short end of the gene pool, didn't he?  If the judge lets the lawsuit move forward, he ought to pay for all expenses and any sums awarded!
     Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving - we are blessed, as of right now, to be living in such a wonderful country.  Here's hoping and praying that we are strong enough to take it back and make it back into the shining city on the hill that it once was!
                                                                                                  The Patriot Granny

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shariah law and the US

     I've been thinking a lot about how Shariah law is slowly creeping into American culture and it is something that troubles me greatly.  A couple of years ago, you didn't hear much about it, certainly not in this part of the world.  However, when I saw a couple of (obviously) Muslim women in Sam's, dressed in full burkas with only their eyes uncovered, about that time, I wanted to go up to them, even then, rip off at least their veils and tell them, "This is America, you don't have to live this way."  The more I hear about Shariah law and its brutal treatment of women, I almost wish I had - except they would have had to pay for my behavior.
     Last Saturday evening, Roy and I had the privilege of hearing Nonie Darwish, a woman born in Cairo and raised in Gaza, whose father was killed in a jihad.  She talked about having been raised with the teaching that killing a Jew was the ultimate prize, but she has since converted to Christianity and talked about how Mohammed's God is a god of war and death, but the God of Christianity is a god of love and peace.  It was interesting to hear how Mohammed turned on the Jews after they took him in and gave him protection, but wouldn't convert to Islam, so now they are the sworn enemies of the Muslims.  He recognized that everything he was doing to the Jews and all of the sinful thing he did - pedophilia, the hatred of the Jews, etc., was wrong, so these things immediately were included as things that Allah said the Muslims should do!  Because she speaks out across the country - she was just recently on Glenn Beck - Ms. Darwish has a fatwa against her - literally, a death threat.  
     Here in the United States, the Muslims are trying their best to institute Shariah law.  There are currently 22 cases, I believe it is, where the courts have given deference to Shariah law, altho at least one has been overruled by the appellate court.  This was the case where the man had raped and abused his wife repeatedly, she had asked for a restraining order (if my memory serves me right), but the judge refused, saying the man was doing nothing wrong within the context of Sharia law.  Tennessee has become a lightening rod for some of these cases as there is a large mosque and a Muslim school in, I think, Memphis.  This afternoon, Glenn Beck had a lady on,  a Baroness Caroline Cox, from the UK who has been fighting for women's rights all over the world.  She has been in the Sudan, in Asia, Russia - I don't remember where all - to fight for these rights - as well as human rights as a whole.  She was talking about the mosque in Tennessee and said that she felt one reason Tennessee has been targeted by the Muslims is because it sits in the middle of the Bible Belt.  This would follow the Muslims' practice of whenever a country or city has been conquered, a mosque has been built on top of the largest church in the area.  Many say that the reason the mosque at Ground Zero is being pushed is because that was the financial center of the US and since Shariah law is also the financial law for the Muslims, it makes sense.
     Ms. Cox currently has a bill before the English Parliament which will right a lot of the evils of Shariah law in England, which has a large Muslim population.  She freely admitted she could be killed for what she is doing, but she is willing to die for it because she believes in its importance.  The upshot of Ms. Cox's visit with Glenn was that we must stand up and fight against Shariah law now, or our grandchildren are going to have a much harder fight.  This is not to say all Muslims are bad.  There are peaceful Muslims who came to the US to get away from Shariah law.  And they are welcome to come, but they should assimilate into our law.  I wrote a couple, three weeks ago about how the state of Michigan, I believe it was, recently passed a law that no foreign law could be applied in that state, which would preclude Shariah law from being used.  Several other states are contemplating it, Oklahoma has passed it, but there, a liberal judge, thinking she had the right to legislate from the bench, blocked it from becoming law.  We must fight against this and if it means recalling or impeaching judges, so be it.  Our very way of life is very much in danger from this aspect, also.
        Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We need to celebrate and hold these traditions dear while we still can. 

                                                                                                The Patriot Granny

Saturday, November 5, 2011

This and That

     Didn't realize it has been nearly a month since I last posted.  "Time flies when you're having fun" - or so the saying goes.  What with canning and life in general, it can get away from you quickly.
     First off - a big congratulations to Ms. Kathy (Svenson) who won a seat on the school board.  Hopefully, now we can begin to have some imput and affect on what our children are learning!  Best of luck to you, Kathy!
     Listened to Sean Hannity yesterday while Michele Bachmann was on and was very happy to hear her mention Agenda 21 and what the creeps behind it are trying to do to the United States.  She is adamantly opposed and said she will fight it tooth and toenail.  In addition, Sean asked her to explain just what it was, which, I hope, educated a few people about it.  I recently talked with a manager of one of the coal mines in the east end of the valley and he had never heard of it.  When I explained a little about it, he said he would do whatever he could to set up a meeting with other managers and mine officials to watch a presentation put on by one of our group.
     For those of you not familiar with it, Agenda 21 was originally written up by the vice-president of the World Socialist Party - define that as communist - to ultimately set up a one-world government.  George H. W. Bush (Sr.), signed on to it in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, bringing it into the US, but since it was not a treaty, Congress did not have to ratify it.  The next year, Bill Clinton signed an executive order for the President's Council on Sustainable Development further putting it into place.  Since then, under the guise of environmentalism, it has been spreading across the US.  Those pushing it set a goal of 2021 to have it fully implemented, hence the name of Agenda 21, and one world government in place.  The scary part is, they have succeeded in about 60% implementation in the US.  That's why the BLM and the Forest Service are pushing for roadless areas and wilderness areas.  If you Google Agenda 21, there is a map and it will show that except for a few small places, everything west of the Mississippi is virtually uninhabited.  There will be no mining, no farming, no personal property rights.  We will live in "stack 'em and pack 'ems" - high rise apartments, public transportation (no private cars) - much of what you saw in old Soviet Russia.  This is something we all need to be much more educated on, so study, read about it - there is a book called Behind The Green Mask, written by a liberal Democrat in California, Rosa Koire, who does eminent domain valuation for the state of California.  While doing this, she became aware of Agenda 21 and what is being done and it scared her to the point she has done extensive research and has done a video that lasts about 1½ hours, plus this book.  Here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEHWsdimVO4&feature=player_embedded. When you go to that link, you will also find numerous other Youtube films on this, including a three-part interview of Ms. Koire.  If you also Google Tom DeWeese, you will find out a lot more information as he was a participant in the '92 Rio meeting.  Check it out, get educated and help us fight it!
     Another quick note - a website called Godfather Politics, has a couple of articles about the Tea Parties and Ayn Rand.  Jim Wallis, Obummer's "spiritual advisor" has said that the Tea Party looks up to Ms. Rand's philosophy and follows it religiously.  Sorry, Rev. Wallis, tain't so!  I did think these articles were interesting considering we're going to be watching the first third of Atlas Shrugged this next week.  Check out the website and see what you think!
     That's it for this time - will try to keep at this a lot more often, especially with things heating up as far as elections are concerned.  We will begin vetting candidates on all levels, so join us at our meetings in Delta on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Deitch Haus, or in Paonia on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the Ullreys at 7:00 p.m.   We will also soon begin a study of the book, We Still Hold These Truths, by Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation.  We are fortunate that the Colorado area representative, Michael Jude, lives in Paonia and he will be leading this study.  We will do it by conference call and if you are interested, please go to our website at www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-Constitutional-Patriots/, and contact either Liz Matz or me, as we will be able to get up to 15 books free from the Foundation and we still have some spots open!  Please feel free to contact either Liz or me at the website if you have any other questions or comments.
     God bless America and we all need to pray for Israel!
                                                                                                       The Granny Patriot