Didn't realize it has been nearly a month since I last posted. "Time flies when you're having fun" - or so the saying goes. What with canning and life in general, it can get away from you quickly.
First off - a big congratulations to Ms. Kathy (Svenson) who won a seat on the school board. Hopefully, now we can begin to have some imput and affect on what our children are learning! Best of luck to you, Kathy!
First off - a big congratulations to Ms. Kathy (Svenson) who won a seat on the school board. Hopefully, now we can begin to have some imput and affect on what our children are learning! Best of luck to you, Kathy!
Listened to Sean Hannity yesterday while Michele Bachmann was on and was very happy to hear her mention Agenda 21 and what the creeps behind it are trying to do to the United States. She is adamantly opposed and said she will fight it tooth and toenail. In addition, Sean asked her to explain just what it was, which, I hope, educated a few people about it. I recently talked with a manager of one of the coal mines in the east end of the valley and he had never heard of it. When I explained a little about it, he said he would do whatever he could to set up a meeting with other managers and mine officials to watch a presentation put on by one of our group.
For those of you not familiar with it, Agenda 21 was originally written up by the vice-president of the World Socialist Party - define that as communist - to ultimately set up a one-world government. George H. W. Bush (Sr.), signed on to it in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, bringing it into the US, but since it was not a treaty, Congress did not have to ratify it. The next year, Bill Clinton signed an executive order for the President's Council on Sustainable Development further putting it into place. Since then, under the guise of environmentalism, it has been spreading across the US. Those pushing it set a goal of 2021 to have it fully implemented, hence the name of Agenda 21, and one world government in place. The scary part is, they have succeeded in about 60% implementation in the US. That's why the BLM and the Forest Service are pushing for roadless areas and wilderness areas. If you Google Agenda 21, there is a map and it will show that except for a few small places, everything west of the Mississippi is virtually uninhabited. There will be no mining, no farming, no personal property rights. We will live in "stack 'em and pack 'ems" - high rise apartments, public transportation (no private cars) - much of what you saw in old Soviet Russia. This is something we all need to be much more educated on, so study, read about it - there is a book called Behind The Green Mask, written by a liberal Democrat in California, Rosa Koire, who does eminent domain valuation for the state of California. While doing this, she became aware of Agenda 21 and what is being done and it scared her to the point she has done extensive research and has done a video that lasts about 1½ hours, plus this book. Here is the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEHWsdimVO4&feature=player_embedded. When you go to that link, you will also find numerous other Youtube films on this, including a three-part interview of Ms. Koire. If you also Google Tom DeWeese, you will find out a lot more information as he was a participant in the '92 Rio meeting. Check it out, get educated and help us fight it!
Another quick note - a website called Godfather Politics, has a couple of articles about the Tea Parties and Ayn Rand. Jim Wallis, Obummer's "spiritual advisor" has said that the Tea Party looks up to Ms. Rand's philosophy and follows it religiously. Sorry, Rev. Wallis, tain't so! I did think these articles were interesting considering we're going to be watching the first third of Atlas Shrugged this next week. Check out the website and see what you think!
That's it for this time - will try to keep at this a lot more often, especially with things heating up as far as elections are concerned. We will begin vetting candidates on all levels, so join us at our meetings in Delta on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Deitch Haus, or in Paonia on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the Ullreys at 7:00 p.m. We will also soon begin a study of the book, We Still Hold These Truths, by Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation. We are fortunate that the Colorado area representative, Michael Jude, lives in Paonia and he will be leading this study. We will do it by conference call and if you are interested, please go to our website at www.meetup.com/Western-Slope-Constitutional-Patriots/, and contact either Liz Matz or me, as we will be able to get up to 15 books free from the Foundation and we still have some spots open! Please feel free to contact either Liz or me at the website if you have any other questions or comments.
God bless America and we all need to pray for Israel!
The Granny Patriot
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