I've been thinking a lot about how Shariah law is slowly creeping into American culture and it is something that troubles me greatly. A couple of years ago, you didn't hear much about it, certainly not in this part of the world. However, when I saw a couple of (obviously) Muslim women in Sam's, dressed in full burkas with only their eyes uncovered, about that time, I wanted to go up to them, even then, rip off at least their veils and tell them, "This is America, you don't have to live this way." The more I hear about Shariah law and its brutal treatment of women, I almost wish I had - except they would have had to pay for my behavior.
Last Saturday evening, Roy and I had the privilege of hearing Nonie Darwish, a woman born in Cairo and raised in Gaza, whose father was killed in a jihad. She talked about having been raised with the teaching that killing a Jew was the ultimate prize, but she has since converted to Christianity and talked about how Mohammed's God is a god of war and death, but the God of Christianity is a god of love and peace. It was interesting to hear how Mohammed turned on the Jews after they took him in and gave him protection, but wouldn't convert to Islam, so now they are the sworn enemies of the Muslims. He recognized that everything he was doing to the Jews and all of the sinful thing he did - pedophilia, the hatred of the Jews, etc., was wrong, so these things immediately were included as things that Allah said the Muslims should do! Because she speaks out across the country - she was just recently on Glenn Beck - Ms. Darwish has a fatwa against her - literally, a death threat.
Here in the United States, the Muslims are trying their best to institute Shariah law. There are currently 22 cases, I believe it is, where the courts have given deference to Shariah law, altho at least one has been overruled by the appellate court. This was the case where the man had raped and abused his wife repeatedly, she had asked for a restraining order (if my memory serves me right), but the judge refused, saying the man was doing nothing wrong within the context of Sharia law. Tennessee has become a lightening rod for some of these cases as there is a large mosque and a Muslim school in, I think, Memphis. This afternoon, Glenn Beck had a lady on, a Baroness Caroline Cox, from the UK who has been fighting for women's rights all over the world. She has been in the Sudan, in Asia, Russia - I don't remember where all - to fight for these rights - as well as human rights as a whole. She was talking about the mosque in Tennessee and said that she felt one reason Tennessee has been targeted by the Muslims is because it sits in the middle of the Bible Belt. This would follow the Muslims' practice of whenever a country or city has been conquered, a mosque has been built on top of the largest church in the area. Many say that the reason the mosque at Ground Zero is being pushed is because that was the financial center of the US and since Shariah law is also the financial law for the Muslims, it makes sense.
Ms. Cox currently has a bill before the English Parliament which will right a lot of the evils of Shariah law in England, which has a large Muslim population. She freely admitted she could be killed for what she is doing, but she is willing to die for it because she believes in its importance. The upshot of Ms. Cox's visit with Glenn was that we must stand up and fight against Shariah law now, or our grandchildren are going to have a much harder fight. This is not to say all Muslims are bad. There are peaceful Muslims who came to the US to get away from Shariah law. And they are welcome to come, but they should assimilate into our law. I wrote a couple, three weeks ago about how the state of Michigan, I believe it was, recently passed a law that no foreign law could be applied in that state, which would preclude Shariah law from being used. Several other states are contemplating it, Oklahoma has passed it, but there, a liberal judge, thinking she had the right to legislate from the bench, blocked it from becoming law. We must fight against this and if it means recalling or impeaching judges, so be it. Our very way of life is very much in danger from this aspect, also.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We need to celebrate and hold these traditions dear while we still can.
The Patriot Granny
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