It has been so long since I've posted anything and there has been a lot of water under the bridge, but I've had so many things on my mind lately, I've got to get it out of there before I explode!! Or at least having to contend with a major headache.
With his winning his second term as President, Obama has set about trying to totally destroy this country and he may be winning. We can only hope that enough people wake up to what's facing this country that they will join us in this fight.
I grew up in an era when kids were allowed to play outside, without supervision, and in my case, we covered about 3½-4 blocks, including the town park. Because most everyone in town knew who we were, we knew we'd better darned well mind our "P's & Q's", or get our butts kicked because our parents would know what we had done - sometimes before we even got home, but at least within the next couple of days. The thing I'm getting at is that kids today don't have a clue in how to entertain themselves if there isn't a video game or Wii set-up around to play with. They don't know what it's like to pick up a book and get so lost in it that they feel like they are living it. To this day, it's hard for me to read a lot of fiction - and some I will not read - simply because I can get so involved that I lose track of reality. Additionally, so much of what is written anymore has such atrocious language, I don't care to read it anyhow. My language isn't squeaky clean, by any means, but using the F-bomb for every other word is totally unacceptable.
And going outside to play just isn't heard of in so many locales. The small towns around here aren't quite so bad, but go into a big city, or even just larger towns, you don't find the kids outside playing. It's no wonder obesity is a problem with our kids today! P.E. is no longer included in the school curriculum, either. It's time to get these kids up and moving. This is the only thing I agree with Michelle Obama on - the kids need to play outside and expend that excess energy. They will sleep much better at night, too!
The small town where I grew up had high expectations for the majority of the kids who graduated from there - and with only about 150 students in the entire school, that was a good share. There wasn't - and still isn't - much in the way of employment unless you want to go into the coal mines. The pay very good and while the mines aren't as dirty and dangerous as they used to be, not everyone is cut out to be a coal miner. There used to be some family farms and ranches that were passed down, but they are even becoming a thing of the past. So much of the land has divided up and been bought up, at top dollar, by people who have moved in from either coast. This denies the young natives who would like nothing more than to stay on the land and work at making it productive the ability to do so. If any attempt is made to make the land productive, the "trust fund babies" and six-figure retirees who have moved in pitch a fit, and because they have the financial means to pursue legal ramifications, they don't hesitate to do so.
There was a case here in the county a couple of years ago of a chicken farm that an Mennonite family wanted to build. Actually, there were two separate farms, to be operated by father and son. The father owned the land he wanted to build on, and the son leased the land he planned on building on, with the blessing of the land owner. However, some "neighbors" pitched an absolute hissy fit. Farming has priority over anything else in the state of Colorado and altho they had no need of it, someone had convinced the Mennonites that they had to apply for a conditional use permit. They did everything by the books, even tho it wasn't required, but these so-called neighbors did everything they could to keep it from happening. Fortunately, the county commissioners ruled in favor of the Mennonite families and the farms are operating. I attended the commissioners' last meeting before they issued their ruling and afterwards, chatted with another neighbor of the father who had hoped to testify. He told me that there were a lot of the neighbors in both instances who supported the Mennonites, but were afraid to say anything for fear of retaliation. No one needs neighbors like that. These type of people have done more to destroy the economy of the western slope than anyone else. They like the bucolic atmosphere of the area, so they come in, buy up all this land at top dollar, thus taking it out of production because the young people can't afford the purchase price, then they promptly try to change everything.
Now it is fracking. These people come up with some of the most ridiculous ideas about how "dangerous" fracking is. After working for Dresser Atlas in northeastern Utah in years gone by, I can tell you that if fracking was as dangerous as "they" say it is, all of northwestern Colorado, from Craig clear across to west of Duschene, Utah, would be one big broken-down mess, no potable water and basically destroyed because wells all across that area were fracked years ago. Some probably have been fracked numerous times. Instead, this area is well-known for hunting, fishing, whitewater rafting, dinosaur remains - a big tourist attraction.
If the power that be can be persuaded that fracking is not dangerous - it does not cause earthquakes, does not contaminate the water, and can help increase employment in this part of the country, so much the better. If you moved here from somewhere else and don't like what people are doing to try to survive, take a hike. Go back where you came from, because these people have first priority in this area.
Will get off my soapbox for now, but you can expect more, now that I'm not in school and am working at home!
The Patriot Granny