Tea Party.net

Monday, October 10, 2011

School Board Elections

     Thursday night was the school board candidates' forum and it proved to be fairly interesting.  The Western Slope Constitutional Patriots have, of course, endorsed Kathy Svenson, Mike Mason and Dave Evans.  Kathy has two opponents, as does Dave, but Mike only has one.  It was unfortunate that Shelly Clement, one of Dave's opponents, was unable to be there.  They were all articulate and well-informed, so we're going to have to really go all out to support our candidates.  Of course, the big issue we as a group have with the school board and the current administration is in the history that is being taught - or lack thereof - particularly of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights and that era in our history.  Also, the fact that an entire chapter is dedicated to the UN and "sustained development", the by-word for Agenda 21, doesn't make us all that happy, either.  It is unfortunate that Mike McMillian, our superintendent, refuses to recognize the problems - obviously progressive - and won't try to work with us, so......change the school board.  After all, they are his boss, and we are theirs!
     Are you watching this group of immature nutcases on Wall Street?  They don't have a clue what life is all about.  They want to tweet this, text that, they want their creature comforts - but don't get it that if it weren't for capitalism, they wouldn't have any of it.  Steve Jobs was one of the biggest capitalists there ever has been, but they would be demonstrating against him if they realized what he was - but still use their iphones, ipods, etc., etc.!  Makes you shake your head in wonderment!  On RedCountry.com last night, there was a blog by "Chicks on the Right" about the manifesto that is currently being written and will be voted on shortly before Thanksgiving.  Check it out.  Rather ironic that this will be voted on just before Thanksgiving, cuz I would lay you dollars to donuts that the protestors will expect Mom and Dad to see their way clear to get junior home for the Thanksgiving holiday!  Of course, by then, the smell will be so strong that the NYPD may dunk them all in the Hudson River - but then, it might kill all the fish.  Shucks, have to think something else up.
     In the late 1960's, when the Rainbow Group first started coming to Paonia for their annual "love fest", or whatever they call them - very similar to what is going on in NYC - they camped out in the park, just kitty-corner from where my folks lived and where I grew up.  Every year, when they left, the trash, etc., etc., was enormous and something the townsfolk had to foot the bill for cleaning.  My dad and several of the town dads were ready to get a portable sheep dip vat and go over to the park and do a little clean-up work of their own.  The town marshal at the time, Ernie Teft, finally talked Daddy out of it, but I've often wondered since if maybe he didn't regret it, too!!  That is an idea for the NYPD, tho, cuz I'm sure they could find those vats somewhere in the state!  When it's all said and done, these are the children of the hippies of the '60's - the apple apparently is not falling very far from the tree!
     The media are making a big deal about Ron Paul's winning the straw poll at the Value Voter Summit in D.C. this weekend, but if you go to any of these national summits, you soon learn that the Paul contingent is young and very vocal, so his winning this poll didn't surprise me.   It was interesting to note, at the Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit last February that while Ron Paul won the online poll, those of us in the audience voted for Herman Cain.
     This past July, we - and by that, I mean Katrina Yochim, Kathy Svenson, Liz Matz and I - conducted a Vacation Liberty School at the Assembly of God Church here in town.  Dawn Ullrey also lent her talents for a day as she and Katrina had conducted the school in Paonia in April.  This is still a trial and error thing, but one thing we discovered this summer was that between April, when the first one was held, and July, the originators of the school had given or sold its premise to a publishing house.  As with most things, it had its pluses and minuses, but one of the biggest drawbacks was that while there was a lot of information pulled in and included, it was geared to a much older audience than was originally intended - almost an adult audience.  And it tended to jump around a lot as far as subject matter.  Katrina, being a trained teacher, and I kind of gritted our teeth on some of it, so we have decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and do some revising.  Liz and I, along with Gary Burnett, who is a Constitutional historian, Nelson Scott and, I presume, Kathy, met today for a "working lunch" -ooooh, that sounds so official, doesn't it!! There were several ideas put forth, so we're going to work on our own, then get back together in a couple of weeks to see what we have come up with.  One thing we did pretty well decide was to do it just one day a week and take five weeks to go through it.  It will be interesting to see what we come up with besides that!  Gary did tell us that the Pledge of Allegiance was introduce 119 years ago this coming Wednesday on the 400th anniversary of Columbus Day!  His book will shortly go to the publisher and it will be a godsend to us for vacation liberty school!
     Sometimes I really despair for this country - we have the Wall Street hippies doing their thing, the Boy Scouts working in tandem with a Muslim group - which probably is causing the founding fathers of BSA to have heart failure if they aren't already dead, or rolling over in their graves - and once again, we're having to fight Agenda 21 in our own backyard.  The conservation easements mentioned in the paper this past week just scream Agenda 21!!  What people are not realizing is that once these lands are put into land trusts and conservation easements is that that land is completely taken out of production, permanently!  There is no hope of using that land to even farm, once it is put in a land trust.  This is what Agenda 21 is all about!  For those of you who have never seen Barb Hulet's presentation, the next time she presents it, you need to be there.  I wanted to embed a photo of a map that shows how the United States is supposed to look by 2021 and it's scarey.  There is absolutely no inhabited land in western Colorado and not much in the entire western United States, other than a little settlement around Denver, and again on the west coast.  I'm sorry, but this is our land and they can keep their friggin' hands off of it!
     This should be a fairly quiet week - there is no meeting this week, but Thursday, I urge all of you to attend David Justice's presentation on "Is America a Christian Nation?" at the Performing Arts Center (old high school) at 6:00 p.m.   Also, please note the Western Colorado Energy Summit, which will be held at 1:30 on the 21st at Colorado Mesa University in the University Center South Ballroom.  State Speaker of the House Frank McNulty, Jerry Sonnenberg, who is the chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, as well as other legislators will be there.  This is Ray Scott's baby and we need to show him our support.  I don't think I need to emphasize how important the energy industry is to Western Colorado as a whole, and to Delta County in particular with its coal.  Oh, and this Saturday is when Sarah Palin's movie, The Undefeated, will be shown as the Deitch Haus, 6:30 p.m.!  Hope to see you all there!
     Good nite, all!
                                                                        The Patriot Granny

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     Things are getting a lot dicier considering the national candidates, and right now, I almost agree with Hank Williams, Jr. in saying that I'm not really crazy about any of them.  I do like Michelle Bachmann, but it saddens me that so much of not only the lame-stream media, but a lot of conservative bloggers, too, are writing her off.  She's the only true conservative out there that I've seen so far.  Yes, I know, Ron Paul is a big conservative, but the fact that he's pro-choice and thereby is not anti-abortion - no, thanks!  That's one place I won't compromise on.  I did for a long time, but the deeper I study the Bible, the more I know how morally wrong it is.  After all, David talks about, in Psalms, God's knowing him in the womb.  May not tell you much, but it tells me an awful lot.  Paul's foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, too.  Ahmadinejad having nuclear capabilities??  Uh, no.  Not just no, but heck no!
     I had been favoring Herman Cain quite a bit, but after watching a video on the Fed tonight, I have to wonder.  Mr. Cain served as chairman of the Fed in Kansas City from 1992 to 1996.  When he first began his campaign, if asked about auditing the Fed, his response was, "Call 'em up - they'll tell you anything you want to know!"  Although I seriously doubt it, it may have been that way in Kansas City when he was chair there, but I'm very certain that's not the case any more!  Mr. Cain has changed his tune in the last couple of weeks, but it still leaves question marks.
     There is one other person that I would love to see run and that's Allen West from Florida.  He's not afraid of anything.  A good man, very sensible and what we need!  Just too bad he's not willing to run - yet.  Who knows, 2016 may be his year.  I was glad to hear today that Chris Christie has decided not to run.  There are too many unanswered questions!
     At a special meeting of the Western Slope Constitutional Patriots tonight, we watched a video about our economic system.  You can go to www.silentnomorepublications.com and check on the Youtube link to watch the video.  It is very interesting how many times the progressives in this country tried to establish a national bank before it was finally accomplished, and how many assassinations were possibly tied to it.  McKinley and Garfield's both were.  I would have said Lincoln's, too, but a new book out by Bill O'Reilly, called Killing Lincoln, gives a different reason for Booth's assassinating Mr. Lincoln.  The video not only tells you what the problems are, but what we can do to combat them and turn things around.
     There is also an bill called the Monetary Reform Act that has been introduced that would seem to provide a means to an end regarding the debt and, in addition, keep inflation and deflation at bay.  The link is www.themoneymasters.com/monetary-reform-act.  Check it out!  I plan on doing so more thoroughly because the brief PowerPoint presentation we saw tonight left me rather confused.
     We got the good word tonight that because of the percentage of Delta County residents who voted for Dan Maes, the Republican gubernatorial candidate in the last election, the number of delegates from the county for state convention has almost doubled!!  Caucuses have been moved up to February, which means we need to get to work, vetting candidates and making sure our candidates do agree with our principles!
     Before I forget it, I need to correct one thing in my last post:  the gentleman from Paonia running for school board in District 5 is David Evans, not Dale Evans.  I don't believe she's alive any more, even!  Sorry, Dave!  Knew Dale wasn't right, but couldn't get beyond it - LOL!
     Speaking of David, Thursday night is the school board forum at 6:30 at Garnet Mesa Elementary.  If you get an opportunity, try to be there so you can learn where the candidates are coming from.
     Our next WSCP meeting will be next Tuesday, October 11, at the Deitch Haus at 6:00.  We will be talking about candidates, among other things, as the ballots will have gone out.  Oh, I would be remiss if I did not mention Proposition 103.  This is one big, fat NO, folks.  Even the Democrat party would not support Senator Rollie Heath's bill on the floor at the last of the session last spring.  In order to ensure that any monies collected as taxes goes into the education fund, it has to be designated "classroom-ready" and the funds that would result from this bill would not!  All monies collected would go into the general fund and money from this for K-12 classes would be non-existent .  Not only that, but it would, over the supposed five-year life span of the bill, kill somewhere in the neighborhood of 119,000 jobs in the schools.  Scary, huh?  Like I said, even the Democrats wouldn't support it, that's why Heath had to go the proposition route!  So, vote NO on proposition 103 when you get your ballot!
     One other thing of interest that I'll note tonight - on the blog, "Colorado Peak Politics" last night or this a.m., there is an article about Brandon Schafer, Senate President.  Seems that the Democrats, in their infinite wisdom, drew his house in Longmont out of the 4th Congressional District.  This wouldn't be bad, EXCEPT, Mr. Schafer had planned to run against Republican (and very popular in both the state and Washington, D.C.) Corey Gardner in the 4th CD.  Hmmmmmm!  Mr. Schafer is so desparate that yesterday, he filed a complaint with the Denver court, trying to persuade it that his house should be included in that particular district so he can run.  Boo hoo!  Considering Mr. Gardner is receiving lots of accolades from the grassroots groups here in Colorado, plus being an up-and-coming star in the House, what would you say Schafer's chances are of defeating him????  Will be interesting to watch, that's for sure!
     That's it for tonight, folks!  Have a good week!  Hope you've gotten to enjoy the beautiful colors God has painted this country with 'cuz I think they are about to disappear!
                                                                           The Patriot Granny